Example sentences of "take up [prep] the [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It was on the rebound from Higginbotham that she took up with the first boy that she came near to liking .
2 This success came through his rapid taking up of the new technique of spectrum analysis of Kirchhoff and Bunsen ; he noticed a green line in the spectrum of some impure selenium .
3 Now he then comes on in the second part of the report to look at the fourteen great achievements and I mean two things A what are those achievements and do those achievements back up and support these kinds of very general maybe propaganda kind of stances that Mao is taking up in the first part of this report .
4 This is one aspect that art historian and critic Deborah Cherry will be taking up in the next issue .
5 Mankind will have to accept that this product of immense periods of time was indisputably in existence inside the evolutionary story , waiting to be taken up as the only source available from which could be acquired a foundation for the God that man must ultimately have , and which was not completely imaginary , and therefore subject to unlimited interpretations .
6 He also showed that the zeolite used as the exchanger could be regenerated with sodium to replace the calcium taken up during the softening cycle .
7 As always with cohort measures , the data can not be taken up to the present day without a considerable element of projection ( broken line ) of the generation rate .
8 Well we were taken up to the standby boat which is I mean every vessel in the North Sea , every rig and installation has a boat that circles it , non stop , twenty four hours a day and I mean that The standby boat on Piper I mean it was the the two inflatable boats off it that picked everybody up , and most folk up , and one of them was lost , they lost two of the crew off that .
9 I , I , I would wonder if Mr 's questions need to be erm , taken up with the chief public health inspector , because I think that that , or it , that appears to be , or possibly the trading chi=standards , trading standards officer , neither of whom are here .
10 Most days have been taken up with the unreported routine of minor incidents occurring twice or three times a day : suspect devices , random gun shots and the like .
11 Part of his spare time was taken up with the marching band of the university , but much of it was given to boisterous evenings drinking and singing with his companion — always with a view to winning the girls ' eyes and hearts .
12 His call has also been taken up over the past week by those with an interest in property , gleefully listing their own particular regional carbuncles ripe for demolition .
13 In the council chamber quite recently one of the Socialists supported the position taken up by the Soviet Government in Russia in a way that showed what would happen here if they got the power in their hands .
14 — Developing an analysis of society and the Church which will isolate the key tasks which should be taken up by the prophetic sector in the Church .
15 The colonic epithelial cell is probably the major site of acetylation of 5-ASA when the drug is delivered in an appropriate way to the colon , and as the N-acetyltransferase enzyme is cytosolic , 5-ASA must be taken up by the epithelial cell before acetylation can take place .
16 The distinction of the Son from the Father was a theme vehemently taken up by the Roman presbyter Hippolytus .
17 The idea of the wedding was taken up by the early Church as an illustration of the glory of the coming of God 's kingdom at the end of time .
18 Within seconds , the sing-song chant had been taken up by the vast majority .
19 The most satisfactory extrinsic marker is [ 3H ] thymidine which , due to the rapid cell cycle of early post-implantation embryonic cells , is quickly taken up by the vast majority of cells and appears not to be deleterious to development ( 25 ) .
20 One possible explanation for this discrepancy might be that Ac-ASA is less well taken up by the colonic mucosa , and there is indirect evidence to suggest that this so .
21 Another possible reason for this discrepancy may be that Ac-ASA is less well taken up by the colonic mucosa than 5-ASA , resulting in subtherapeutic mucosal concentrations .
22 This was taken up by the Economic Section of the Cabinet ( under Meade ) which devised the Economic Survey : the expected level of output for the following year was predicted on the basis of the estimated changes over the present year in individual sectors of the economy .
23 It was all taken up by the top brass you know .
24 Their calls are immediately taken up by the whole team and the spectators on the ground so that the forest rings with wild and terrifying shrieks .
25 This whole idea was subsequently taken up by the Stratigraphical Committee of the Geological Society of London and published in their " Provisional Code of Stratigraphical Nomenclature " .
26 The remaining three thousand million years or so have been taken up by the slow process of biological evolution , which has led from the simplest organisms to beings who are capable of measuring time back to the big bang .
27 Sadly , Il Filarete died before completing his masterwork which was taken up by the Milanese Guiniforte Solari .
28 It was taken up by the Armenian Dashnaktsutiun , the Byelorussian Socialist Hromada , and the Georgian Socialist Federation party ( Sakartvelo ) .
29 These proposals have been taken up by the public transport pressure group Transport 2000 in a campaign , launched in 1988 , called ‘ Feet First ’ .
30 Thakin Thein Pe made his way out to India where he received scant encouragement until he was taken up by the cloak-and-dagger organisation , Force 136 , which was desperately trying to justify its mysterious and expensive existence .
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