Example sentences of "take it out on the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He takes it out on the children and myself ( not physically ) , has almost become an isolationist and is very difficult to live with .
2 ‘ You ca n't take it out on the child , ’ she said .
3 When the real Mac crashes and trashes your hard disc , you can take it out on the Smack-a-Mac !
4 But do you agree that we should put diplomatic pressure that George Bush should , the Europeans should , Douglas Hurd should , and say look guys whatever you do , if it , though were prepared to recognise you as an independent state , do n't take it out on the Russians ?
5 I felt disillusioned , stale and cynical and I wanted to take a break before I started taking it out on the callers .
6 It shifted even more when a former missionary from Africa came in , bought a copy , took it out on the end of a pair of coal tongs , and set fire to it .
7 I think what radical feminism has done is popularised that and taken it out on the streets and provided a core of anger and rage and has mobilized women .
8 Because all that happened to you , but you could n't use up your energy , you could n't help that child across the road , and suddenly you 've got to get rid of all that , and you take it out on the child .
9 And as there is n't an Inquisition any more , they take it out on the horses .
10 When anything like this happens in Waldron City everybody starts shouting for action , and as they have n't much idea just what kind of action they expect they take it out on the administration , and that means Wilson .
11 As he quickly washed off Friday night 's mud , he made a mental note not to take it out on the machine next time he got drunk .
12 Just cos you 've messed up your practical your your personal life it do n't mean you have to take it out on the rest of us .
13 One biggish living room and a little back kitchen with no water and no sanitation and if you wanted to dispose of your water you 'd have to take it out on the roadside and chuck it down the main drain .
14 The irony that the rioters mostly destroyed their own pathetic neighbourhood infrastructure has been widely noted , but it was not always for want of trying to take it out on the redoubts of the better element , stretching north up through Beverly Hills , over Mulholland , down into the San Fernando Valley and north again towards the suburban fastnesses of Simi Valley and of Ventura County .
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