Example sentences of "take up the [noun sg] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The order of salvation takes up the order of creation .
2 Marcuse takes up the theme of domination through the ideological form of technological reason and shows how it is legitimized by the widespread consumption enabled by increased production .
3 ‘ … into the last furlong , and the Guppy looks beaten , Breakdancer takes up the running with Prince Charming on the stand side — it looks to be between these two — but now Shine On 's absolutely flying on the outside , a terrific challenge , the three locked together , Breakdancer and Shine On stride for stride , at the line it 's very close but I think it 's shine On who gets it on the nod .
4 Paolozzi takes up the challenge with relish , as he deliberately creates hiatuses and breaks in The Wealth of Nations .
5 John Hartley will shortly take up the position of Deputy Secretary General following a restructuring of responsibilities within CHQ .
6 I do not envisage a long-lasting solution to the problem of Yugoslavia that does not take up the issue of minority rights and seek to entrench them , perhaps by international action .
7 I think , I 'd like to just take up the point about secrecy because I am involved in talking to couples where the , there is a basic problem of male infertility where th the husband of the couple , or the partner of the couple is unable to father a child because he 's not producing any sperm , or not producing enough sperm and that couple come to us for help and advice
8 Erm I wo n't take up the point in relation to the particular site er Mr La Laycock was referring to but in general terms , car showrooms and people who work in car sho showrooms are taken into account in the calculation of employment needs ,
9 We could all take up the role of publicity agent , advertising our own favourite recreation !
10 Third , when the provincial gentry still did not take up the cause of reform with alacrity the tsar bypassed them by appointing a majority of keen reformers to the Editing Commissions .
11 Our unequal arms might well take up the difference in line lengths when flying one way ; but the perverse nature of our natural reactions does n't allow the same correction when flying the other way .
12 Having lost the Conservative party leadership contest to John Major he took up the position of President of the Board of Trade after the last election …
13 Mr Foster , who took up the issue on behalf of farmers and operators , said : ‘ I am deeply disappointed that the Intervention Board has not accepted the strong arguments put forward in favour of the facility . ’
14 The younger James Stephen in essays in the Edinburgh Review in 1838 and 1843 , later republished and expanded in Essays in Ecclesiastical Biography ( 1849 ) , took up the tradition of abolitionist historical writing on antislavery and was joined in it by his younger brother , Sir George Stephen , with Anti-Slavery Recollections ( 1854 ) .
15 Devon and Cornwall police last Friday took up the case of Pipe 's Her Honour , found to have been doped when flopping at Kempton in January .
16 She checked herself so as not to rush and then advanced over-slowly , first took up the bottle of rum , poured a glass , then picked up a guinea , seemed , he thought ( and smiled ) to test it , pocketed it , brought him the rum .
17 In 1963 Vine and Matthews , two Cambridge geophysicists , took up the idea of sea-floor spreading and linked it with data on the palaeomagnetic anomalies observed along mid-oceanic ridges ( Fig. 2.12 ) .
18 " Abd al-Latif , known as Bukhari-zade ( Buharizade ) , who , having taught to the 40-akce level , took up the career of kasabat kadi and then , at the urging , and with the aid of his kinsman , the Rumeli kazasker Abdurrahman Efendi , returned to the medrese stream , reaching the Sahn in 982/1575 .
19 However , as time progressed they took up the argument of legislation requirement and professional competence as a form of self-defence and as a means of maintaining their professional standing not only in their own eyes , but in the eyes of other planners , and in the eyes of their fellow colleagues in Kirkwall .
20 Shortly before he took up the study of genetics , the American biologist Thomas Hunt Morgan wrote a book , Evolution and Adaptation ( 1903 ) , arguing that evolution was governed solely by the production of saltations , and had nothing to do with adapting the species to its environment .
21 Despite the opposition of his father he took up the study of medicine , first at Leipzig University and then in Vienna , where his funds ran out , forcing him to take employment for a time with the Governor of Transylvania until he had accumulated sufficient money to continue his studies .
22 The next day the front page of the Sun took up the theme with enthusiasm : PORN LUST OF THE FOX ( see Figure 4.1 ) .
23 As the Conservatives themselves hesitantly took up the theme of citizenship in response to opposition challenge , it was argued that only a more flexible , compassionate style of Toryism could be their route to safety .
24 Joan accordingly took up the post of companion to the lady Anne and thereafter had no great difficulty in adjusting to a new and privileged life-style .
25 Having trained as a photo-process engraver , he took up the post of demonstrator in a firm in Gothenburg , Sweden , in 1907 .
26 However , in 1855 he took up the post of professor of drawing at King 's College , London , which he combined with book illustration .
27 Dr Mann took up the post of organist and choir master at Beverley at a time when the music at the Minster was at a fairly low ebb .
28 Returning to England , he took up the post of sub-warden of Toynbee Hall , the universities ' settlement in the East End of London , 1920–9 , serving also as a co-opted member of the London County Council education committee , 1925–31 .
29 Horsley cheerfully admitted when he took up the post of Chair that he knew nothing about newspapers .
30 Suffrage agitation was suspended with the outbreak of World War I. Kathleen Courtney , along with many other suffragists , took up the cause of peace .
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