Example sentences of "time [pers pn] [vb past] [adv] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Several times I went up the valley with my father in the evening and sat with him behind a rock , hoping he would get a shot at the leopard .
2 Well the working in the pit and the first and the first time I went down the pit er the pit was er John Watson 's number four colliery in Motherwell .
3 Came about half ten , so I do n't know what time I went down the Rave 's , be that time .
4 I often used to read it when we were in action and , believe it or not , every time I took up the book it opened at page 92 , although I have never deliberately read that page , as far as I can remember — so I took the hint and wrote … ’
5 And all the time I kept up the visualization .
6 So I flipped some cattle from the farm of and right between Egilsay and Rousay just a short distance , oh maybe a quarter of a miles or thereby , and oh did the shipping perfectly well and and went home and by the time I got home the message had arrived back before me that the there were two old cattle among the younger ones that the fellow had put there just to feed up and the last we saw of them was going up over the island and that was okay we thought everything was okay .
7 Nevertheless , in that brief space of time I turned up the flame .
8 On one tank I had , the fish panicked and hid every time I switched on the lighting .
9 The second time she picked up the lure and pulled up clumsily on my fist .
10 I would say it would n't matter what time you went up the park there 'd be somebody there .
11 If every time you picked up the phone and made contact with somebody and I gave you a pound , would you accept that as a deal ?
12 Is n't it time they gave up the game and settled into cosy , post-stude domesticity ?
13 In no time it looked just the part .
14 He was worried about them and by the time he came down the gang had gone .
15 Her story was plastered all over the December issue of Playboy and every time he switched on the television , she was there repeating it all as a multitude of chat-show hosts clamoured to get her on their programmes .
16 After a time he switched on the television .
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