Example sentences of "time [verb] [art] [noun sg] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Before the darkness came , you might have come across him at times pushing a pramful of camping equipment , perhaps with a grandson straggling at his side , on some remote road through Eigiau , Abergeirw or Pennant Lliw .
2 Though we have several times discussed the subject of retirement , in connection with other drivers , on his own withdrawal from the sport I would rather let Jackie have the word .
3 While there are glimmers of light the establishment of ACT two years ago increasing ecumenical activities at grass roots level , some referred to by Bishop this morning I believe that the times require a note of urgency in our response to God 's call .
4 On Wednesday , the Financial Times published a survey of business leaders which showed that 94 per cent intended to vote for the Conservatives , although it showed only about one per cent thought the Tories had fought the most effective election campaign .
5 When in 1988 Deutsche Grammophon reissued on compact disc the recordings Karajan made in Berlin , Amsterdam , and Turin between 1938 and 1943 , the New York Times published an article on music-making in wartime Germany that concluded with the speculation that in none of the recordings Karajan made at this time is there any evidence that ‘ the soul was troubled ’ .
6 The addition of oboes to a high melodic cello passage gives it great poignancy , and at the same time counteracts the tendency towards thinness of tone which is apt to be somewhat distressing unless the cellos are both first-rate and numerous .
7 Combining relative novelty with practicality , it seemed evidently constructive as a way of repaying society for a wrong done , while at the same time bringing the offender within reach of the voluntary organizations which are a peculiarly English way of providing services of value to a wider community .
8 I readily acknowledge the need for time to debate the Bill in Committee .
9 Claudia had just time to see a sign in gold and red before they turned into a cobbled yard .
10 It was not common at that time to see a soldier at home in Britain wearing parachute wings , for despite the Parachute Regiment — a newcomer to the army 's Order of Battle — having mounted raids in France and Italy , and having taken part , with heavy casualties , in the Tunisian and Sicilian campaigns , airborne forces did not have a very noticeable public profile before the days of Normandy and Arnhem .
11 She admitted it tempestuously as Luke deprived her of the erotic stimulation of his mouth , opening her eyes just in time to see the blaze of triumph in his as he heard her .
12 The hon. Gentleman will appreciate that it would not be the first inspector 's decision that took some time to see the light of day once it had been referred to a Department .
13 Everyone in nursing has at some time experienced the abuse of power by someone more senior , and has been hurt by it , yet the system is difficult to modify .
14 His approach to such standards as Miss Otis Regrets , All the things you are and Maria was serious , but at the same time conveyed the feeling of sophistication so essential to this genre .
15 Simulated time-zone transitions in the laboratory , where the diet remains unchanged , confirm that the change in local time produces a change in appetite and bowel movements .
16 Lungeing interspersed with riding progresses training and at the same time minimises the risk of strain .
17 As already mentioned , the Irish bishops had for some time found the separation of church and state both a workable and desirable solution .
18 In fact , that situation is even more confusing than it may seem from this account because a third cultural trauma , this time representing the change from cultivation ( of plants ) to herding and pastoralism also occurred and brought with it a great intensification , not of weaning as happened with cultivation , nor of the phallic mutilations which accompanied hunting , but of toilet-training .
19 Every day I need to get up at seven o'clock in order to get ready in time to catch the bus for school but because the bus has to pick up many other pupils the journey to school every day takes thirty minutes ( it can take up to one hour for other people ) .
20 There was no time to write a libretto from scratch , so Guardasoni proposed an adaptation of Metastasio 's La clemenza di Tito ( the Clemency of Titus ) which was generally felt to be suitable for the occasion .
21 It is bad enough to fail one 's driving test once ; to do so for a second time reinforces the sense of hopelessness in the learner 's mind — he now has twice as many failures to build upon — so that he uses his ability to visualize in an even more negative fashion .
22 They would have married sooner but had to wait for her divorce ; Pamela Chrimes told me that it took some time to obtain the evidence of adultery which was then necessary .
23 Just in time to celebrate the onrush of spring , the Vanderwoude-Tannenbaum gallery has mounted ‘ A Bird 's Eye View : One Man 's Vision ’ a tribute to Mr James in the form of a tree full of birdhouses he made ( until 6 June ) .
24 The murder trial jury heard how Carter at the time serving a sentence for robbery had subjected Darren Brook to a ‘ barbaric ’ ordeal , which included forcing him to write a suicide note .
25 I followed the Sergeant out to the office ; we both sat at a small table , and after a very enjoyable supper of cheese rolls we played the chanters until 1 a.m. , pausing from time to time to drink a mug of tea .
26 Fran hurried from the room , then took her time filling the glass with tonic and adding ice cubes from the freezer , wanting to get back on to an even keel before she went back and faced him .
27 In the sixteenth century the Swiss physician Paracelsus tried to introduce more logical and effective methods of treatment.and laid the foundations of a pharmaceutical approach to drug selection , while at the same time reviving the idea of treatment by similars .
28 Absorbing many of the energies that had been concentrated in Independent Producers , Korda 's London Films was able for a time to resist the drift towards cosiness .
29 But the best time to sell a share of course is when everyone else says ‘ buy . ’
30 The Sandrat darted back in time to avoid the spear of flame from the torch , and flung a handful of sand at Miss Liberty .
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