Example sentences of "time to [noun sg] [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 6.4 Payments shall be made by cheque in US dollars to the bank account of , details of which are set out in Schedule 5 , or to an account at such other bank in England as may from time to time nominate for the purpose .
2 13.1.1 " the Landlord 's Address " means the address of the Landlord shown on the first page of this agreement or such other address as the Landlord may from time to time notify to the Tenant as being [ its ] address for the purpose of this agreement
3 13.1.2 " the Tenant 's Address " means the address of the Tenant shown on the first page of this agreement or such other address as the Tenant may from time to time notify to the Landlord as being [ its ] address for service for the purposes of this agreement
4 In the process of indexing each new batch of documents , new words will from time to time appear in the text .
5 3.8.2 with effect from the Possession Date pay and indemnify the Landlord against all rates taxes assessments duties charges impositions and outgoings from time to time charged upon the Premises or the owner or occupier of them Although unlikely to have such a constriction placed on it , there is something to be said for inserting a similar exclusion into this clause to that inserted in clause 5.2.1 of the lease .
6 Presentments for breaches of these purlieu laws were from time to time made at the Essex swanimotes in the sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries .
7 So quite apart from the need to make new vaccines against flu from time to time to deal with the problem of antigenic shift , individuals have to be vaccinated against flu every year and even then the vaccine may not protect more than 80 per cent of them .
8 So you ca n't dissolve a congress , there 's a fixed term , I 'll read you what the constitution says , it says the president shall from time to time give to the congress information on the state of the union you may have heard of the famous state of the union address to congress that the president makes on an annual basis and he shall recommend to their consideration such measures as he shall judge necessary and expedient .
9 Lessing was a man of many parts — writer , literary critic , historian , advocate of religious tolerance — who also made pioneering contributions to the study of the New Testament , and was from time to time embroiled in the continuing controversies between rationalism and orthodoxy .
10 The chief executive or clerk of the authority will from time to time report to the council and its committees on all legislation which is new and which affects the local authority .
11 All monies shall be kept with the Society 's Bankers , unless and until otherwise from time to time resolved by the Society in General Meeting , and all cheques shall be signed by one member of the Executive Committee and countersigned by the Treasurer or Secretary .
12 ( c ) All monies shall be kept with the Society 's Bankers , unless and until otherwise from time to time resolved by the Society in General Meeting , and all cheques shall be signed by one member of the Executive Committee and countersigned by the Treasurer or Secretary .
13 All monies shall be kept with the Society 's Bankers , unless and until otherwise from time to time resolved by the Society in General Meeting .
14 shall prepare an annual statement of accounts in such form and containing such particulars , compiled in such a manner , as the Minister may from time to time direct with the approval of the Treasury .
15 The statute only vests in the agency ( with some exceptions ) the state-owned assets of such former state enterprises which have already been converted into companies ; further , such part of the equity of other companies which was vested in the state before coming into force of the statute of conversion and which are still in state ownership ; finally , assets remaining in state ownership after the liquidation of state enterprises and any other assets which are from time to time vested in the agency by separate legislation or a resolution of parliament .
16 But some forest landowners were able from time to time to obtain from the Crown a grant of partial exemption from this supervision .
17 Special deposits are deposits of banks from time to time required by the Bank of England to be lodged in addition to normal reserve requirements .
18 The trustees from time to time remitted to the mother of the children , who was their guardian and who was residing with them in England , sums of money in accordance with the provision of the will for the maintenance and education of the children .
19 There was a mixture of the formal and the informal about it ; the Keeper of Zoology in the 1810s was wont from time to time to leap over the stuffed animals .
20 We in South Cambridgeshire feel from time to time sitting on the doorstep of a university city that we are often ignored and I 'm sure that that is a very fair criticism as far as our District Council is concerned .
21 Indeed , all that remains today of the old inherent rights are the power to control the method of carrying out the functions which Parliament from time to time give to the local authorities and the power to make rules as to the conduct of the meetings of the local authority .
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