Example sentences of "see a [noun] in the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I mean what you 're looking for is a reduction or what you would have liked to have seen a reduction in the land allocation for employment needs , and yet in the other breath you are saying to North Yorkshire , you should really cater for one hundred percent migration .
2 With that burden around us we have seen a reduction in the number of full-time officers being appointed by the union and which in turn has without any doubt had a detrimental effect upon the members who we serve .
3 The creation and enhancement of shareholder value is at the core of Group strategy for the long term — 1992 has seen a watershed in the Group 's achievement of this aim .
4 Recent years have seen a multiplication in the number of TV channels and of communications media other than traditional terrestrial television — government pressure on broadcasters is perforce less effective than when there was only one channel .
5 Every day on his way to school he had seen a brooch in the jeweller 's window , the price showing on a card beside it .
6 Very fortunately , for goldfinches and linnets , I soon discovered , happened to be two of the reserve 's commonest species and it would have been akin to rushing out to tell my neighbours back home that I had just seen a sparrow in the yard .
7 Even more than other industrial countries , America has seen a shift in the age distribution of poverty .
8 Recently , however , we have seen a growth in the number of private registered agencies , some of which set out to provide a combination of domestic and personal help to frail elderly people .
9 The past two or three years has seen a boom in the retreat movement , especially directed retreats .
10 She was sure she had seen a hand in the drawer , a hand with little pink nails and a silver ring on one finger .
11 All the time Lucille was talking , my mind was covering the side roads , and I could see a glimmering in the distance that might be the approach of daylight .
12 If the Government 's agricultural land tenancy reform proposals go through , which I rather hope they do , it 'll be a little while yet , we could well see a change in the security of tenure issue , which might make it easier to achieve er , vacancy and vacant possession .
13 There was a fear that as such centres were validated , local colleges would see a reduction in the number of students which they would otherwise have expected to attract .
14 Over the edge , I could see a shop in the street below , a single room like an open cave , where an old man with white hair stood behind a counter that held a pair of scales and boxes of eggs and seeds .
15 Dougal could n't see a television in the room .
16 However , despite Laud 's personal antipathy towards the papacy , the 1630s did see a growth in the influence of Catholicism over the English government and an improvement in relations between Charles 's court and the papal curia , and for the large numbers of English Protestants who were unable to distinguish between Arminianism and popery and who regarded Laud as little more than an agent of Rome , there could be no doubt that the archbishop was to blame .
17 In my mirror I could see a woman in the car as well .
18 They say you can still see a gap in the treeline where the Hurricane shaved the tops off what would then have been saplings .
19 For one thing , she could n't see a thing in the blackout without her glasses ; and for another , the uniform was n't half attractive enough .
20 There 's a spider on the page , now can you see a spider in the picture ?
21 He would get depressed and sometimes you could see a tear in the corner of his eye .
22 ‘ If she sees a weakness in the market she 's in there , and — pow !
23 In the waters of the monsoon pools of East Africa it is as if man sees a baboon in the mirror , for the development of baboon societies in the very regions in which human social life must have also evolved seems to reflect in extraordinarily detailed ways the emergence of features otherwise unique to human life .
24 And as the water goes she sees a nail in the water and she looks up and she see Jesus going like that .
25 If the latter then perhaps we are seeing a reduction in the distrust women have for the police in relation to their handling of rape , or maybe the greater ability of women to withstand the trauma of carrying through a complaint of rape .
26 She 's to see a psychiatrist in the morning . ’
27 In doing so , he failed to see a pothole in the driveway , fell off and was injured .
28 Culley would n't have been surprised to see a rat-maze in the corner .
29 The next sixty years were to see a rise in the classroom autonomy of teachers allowing them growing discretion within their classrooms .
30 Alerted by an ominous creaking sound coming from near his feet , Dauntless glanced down to see a trapdoor in the floor being opened from beneath .
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