Example sentences of "one [prep] the [adj] [noun pl] in " in BNC.

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1 It has been one of the saddest episodes in the whole climbing-village soap-opera .
2 From this unpromising inheritance Leopold had created by the end of his reign , at least on paper , one of the best-governed states in Europe .
3 Why is it that when Ken Livingstone ( Political column , 1 May ) , one of the wittiest sparks in the rather dullish firmament of contemporary Labour , leaves the safe sound-bite pages of the Sun and ventures his hand at joined-up paragraphs , he goes so badly awry ?
4 It was to be the first in a long line of pay battles that would give her a reputation for being one of the toughest negotiators in the business .
5 Notably , he ran up against director Henry Hathaway who was known as one of the toughest directors in the business , and Hopper had a minor role in From Hell to Texas .
6 But things are not always so idyllic — because this is Angola , and one of the toughest assignments in XFI 's portfolio .
7 Television bosses maintain they have tight controls on TV violence , while the film censor claims to operate one of the toughest regimes in the western world .
8 1991 in many respects has been one of the toughest years in Hygiene but despite that we will have achieved our budgeted target and increased our profit by 40% over 1990 — a truly excellent performance !
9 He had a shot out of sand of about 35 to 40 yards into the wind which is probably one of the toughest shots in golf .
10 ‘ He seems to keep his best golf for the ‘ big ones ’ , and is still one of the toughest competitors in the game .
11 BBC Network Television director Will Wyatt said : ‘ Jonathan has done one of the toughest jobs in television for longer than almost all of his predecessors . ’
12 Hers is one of the toughest jobs in the show .
13 Hers is one of the toughest jobs in the show .
14 Duclos-Lasalle , 37 , who is likely to retire at the end of the season , converted two previous second places , a fourth and sixth , into victory when he arrived alone on the velodrome at Roubaix to one of the warmest welcomes in the long history of the race .
15 One of the crucial skills in the art/science of SFX is knowing just how much detail is needed or desirable .
16 Indeed , tourism has been one of the crucial components in the west 's construction of the east , and a passage from Thomas Cook 's brochure for tours of Egypt and Palestine in 1925 encapsulates the Orientalist attitude : ‘ Native life and manners as seen from the steamer are as quaint a study as can well be imagined .
17 John Baldessari is one of the crucial figures in the re-direction of approaches to the visual arts in the past two decades .
18 One of the crucial issues in such studies is whether the time-lag allowed is the right one and had Walters allowed twenty instead of ten years , she might have reached different conclusions .
19 One of the crucial features in any management buy-out is the quality of the managers themselves .
20 The Spanish candidacy is being supported by Turin , one of the six cities in which the six seeds will be based for the first round .
21 A high score in a series of heats had to be accumulated to guarantee a good semi-final position , and qualify for one of the six places in the final .
22 Lojze Peterle , Chairman of the Slovene Christian Democratic Party ( one of the six parties in the DEMOS alliance which had won the Slovene Assembly elections in April — see p. 37381 ) , was elected President of the Slovene Executive Council ( Prime Minister ) by the new Slovene Assembly on May 16 .
23 If they want to take the opportunity to erm move to Newcastle , to be near their relatives , they 'll have that choice as well , and it 's if we have to make difficult choices of this kind , then it 's more — I 'm sorry to keep using the word logical , but it is — it 's logical to choose this one than to choose one of the remoter homes in the county that serves a local populace where there is no alternative .
24 ULSTER horse The Committee , one of the fancied runners in the Grand National , will be ridden by English-based jockey Norman Williamson .
25 One of the epic stories in the history of the SAS comes from this period of raiding the coastal railway .
26 He was one of the still points in her sparsely peopled universe .
27 It is probably one of the cruellest ironies in the evolution and development of any major world religion .
28 It is one of the remotest places in the British Isles … for forty years it has been the victim of a real topographical tragedy … a manufacturing town of 50,000 people where a rural centre of 20,000 would have been sufficient .
29 The bits of this instruction can be set so that its execution leaves any one of the following values in the accumulator : How can this be achieved ?
30 ‘ Sub-woofer ’ is one of the current buzz-terms in the audio world , extensively used by hi-fi salesmen intent on baffling the poor punter with tech-speak .
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