Example sentences of "one [prep] the [adj] [noun pl] who " in BNC.

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1 You could be one of the 10 winners who each receive a pair of tickets for the WWF Rampage — live — at the NEC Birmingham on Tuesday September 29 .
2 On the way back to the Hankses ' cottage with Anna , Seb and the navvies met one of the gipsy women who had been enquiring after the missing girl in the village .
3 Positive thinking will have to wait a while , but it augurs well for one of the young ringsiders who turned up in his smartest suit and said : ‘ What a disgusting fight ; I wish I 'd worn my tracksuit . ’
4 The father of one of the young children who is about to receive First Holy Communion told me that he did n't practise any faith because it bored him but still wanted his child to receive Holy Communion .
5 Mitchell appeared on the scene shortly before the arrival of Norman Bowler , a friend of Ricky Stride and one of the young men who used to meet at Runnymede on Sundays to exercise , camp or swim .
6 And at night I asked one of the young men who was helping us , one who had come with the carters , to help me load the saint on to the wagon , to go to Ramsey to the aid and succour of our misused house .
7 At last he rose and barked an order at one of the young men who placed the ladder lying on the ground against the scaffold , then gestured dramatically at Athelstan .
8 She was in time to see the recovery of one of the young gentlemen who had begun to torment her on that night until Colonel Hope had silenced him .
9 Dermot and I had been together at Eton but then Dermot was one of the Lower boys who came when I shouted " Boy " .
10 Beyond the hedge of red-leaved crotons that marked the uphill boundary of Nana 's yard stood a dilapidated shack that was unoccupied , the property of a woman in one of the lower villages who owned several plots in the valley .
11 The only new Mission for the deaf that seems to have opened for the first time in the 1890s was that at Oxford , although the deaf people of Bradford almost lost their own when a fire was discovered in the coal cellar under the offices by one of the deaf members who ran to summon the fire brigade from its nearby station .
12 he was one of the sixties products who got onto all the drugs and things
13 ‘ Hoskyns ’ , said one of the astringent colleagues who disapproved of him , ‘ went to Berlin and they muddled his mind and when he came back he could never get it unmuddled . ’
14 One of the 100 Merseysiders who will be going on the trip , whines : ‘ We definitely wo n't be drinking before we have to drive back but I 'm sure we 'll have the odd glass or three when we make it back to Liverpool . ’
15 James , one of the best writers who out of love for the old detective story has taken it and made something more of it , once summed it up very neatly .
16 When we came within hail , one of the four natives who were present advanced to receive us and began to shout most vehemently , wishing to direct us where to land .
17 Claire Langley , one of the four classmates who died
18 She said that she had ‘ accidentally brushed against one of the four girls who were standing on the pavement ’ , whereupon ‘ all four caught hold of her , and beat her in a most savage manner , using fearful language ’ and left her on the pound bleeding profusely from the nose and mouth .
19 ‘ Euro Disney has been very successful for us and now we are getting some interest from other potential clients on the Continent , ’ says Peter Fane , one of the four brothers who own Waterers .
20 MacAllister , a miller at Ardnish on the Rinns , was named as one of the four men who were taken prisoner on the pirate ship " Bloody Yankee " when she is supposed to have sailed into Lochindaal , in 1813 .
21 ‘ aged seven ’ , one of the four children who are the supposed authors of the stories in ‘ A Holiday Romance ’ .
22 ‘ aged nine ’ , one of the four children who are the supposed authors of the stories in ‘ A Holiday Romance ’ .
23 In March 1679 he was appointed one of the five commissioners who replaced Danby at the Treasury , an appointment he held until his death .
24 Without raising his head , the Doctor threw the car into reverse , inadvertently hitting one of the Luger-toting men who had stepped out behind them .
25 It was a journalist , but Toby Greenslade was one of the rare ones who could write entertainingly about golf , and was a companionable and amusing fellow as well .
26 But by and large these are only examples of the gesture as an item on its own , MacMillan is one of the rare choreographers who has used occupational gesture as an integral part of the dance .
27 She is one of the hard-working peers who take their political roles seriously .
28 The previous year she had amused herself with Greg Farrel , one of the agricultural students who had come to help with the harvest .
29 I teamed up with peter Cornish who was one of the key divers who master-minded the recovery of Halifax W1048 .
30 Hunterston Production Manager Ron Cooper , was one of the 42 competitors who tackled the 3.5 mile course , 1500 feet of it over rough heather .
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