Example sentences of "one [noun] [pron] [is] [v-ing] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The first , though the answer may sometimes be complicated , is much more easy to deal with than the second , because in one case one is dealing with fact and in the other with personal preference and feeling , which are unpredictable and difficult to justify to the determinedly sceptical .
2 As one lawyer who is lobbying against many of the bill 's provisions told New Scientist : ‘ The very early aims of data protection laws were to protect the individual , and this particular bill was put forward by this government to protect business interests .
3 As he waited for a colleague delivering mail to Mr Reenan 's £300,000 Oxfordshire home , Ron said : ‘ One minute he 's talking about going to Diana , the next he 's gone to a newspaper .
4 But I tell you one person who 's getting on my nerves is that good looking son at McDonalds .
5 Well when you said something like that , it 's not just one person who 's gon na have a look is there ?
6 Right , there 's only one , there 's only one person who 's gon na know this , this question ,
7 Yeah I know it 's easier no you must feel really gutted , I mean I would I know , because as you said , you going out for ten months yeah exactly , yeah , exactly I mean come on you really liked him fancied him loved him oh wow , I said love , love love , I do n't know love hey man yeah yeah it 's probably , you know like when you dumped him for Danny it 's just probably like that yeah exactly exactly , so do n't worry oh come on he ca n't give up ten months for nothing I know it has to end someday , but it does n't I mean it 's like everyone thinks like that , it really annoys me , everybody , right who 's about our age yeah , they just go out with someone knowing that one day it 's gon na end , they 're just waiting for the day , and that you know , you should go out with someone with the intentions of being with them forever I know that sounds pathetic , but it 's true , yeah I know , yeah exactly yeah , yeah I know , why do you think I said it ?
8 Do I already have some suspicion that one day it is going to be removed from the records and scattered , perhaps vanish altogether ?
9 Well he got up that railway track , I mean , bloody hell , they might 've thought well that 's one way he 's gon na go .
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