Example sentences of "see [conj] [prep] the [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 Of course , like Marshall , Boogie 's reputation is built on tone , so it 's good to see that at the centre of all this gain and distortion is a fundamentally great sound .
2 IT is heartening to see that in the wake of Glasgow 1990 and despite increasing difficulties in funding , large scale multi-media events can still take place .
3 And , lassitude apart , he had more than enough sense to see that after the triumph of the Abdication , with the memory of the vicissitudes of the previous year so fresh in his mind , a calm movement away from the gaming tables and towards the chip-cashing caisse was obviously prudent .
4 The richness of personal awareness of God in the Old Testament is hardly better seen than through the wealth of metaphors for the God who was known and loved in daily life :
5 It can be seen that as the curvature of these hypersurfaces diverges .
6 We have also seen that for the purposes of civil liability there have been proposals for a generalised statutory scheme for exceptional risks .
7 To descend from these heights to the commonplace , we have already seen that at the beginning of his time as abbot of Bec , Anselm had a problem about the rights of the abbey of Bec .
8 It can be seen that in the event of specific goods perishing , the contract may be avoided by section 7 but if in any other case the contract becomes impossible or illegal to perform , it will be frustrated at common law .
9 We have seen that in the process of production , the means of production are used up ( the raw material is worked over , various auxiliary substances are required … machines themselves , and the buildings in which the work is done , as well as all kinds of instruments … wear out ) ; on the other hand , labour-power is also exhausted ( when people work , they also deteriorate , their labour-power is used up , and a certain expenditure must be incurred in order to re-establish this labour-power ) .
10 Liz agreed to contact some old friends that she had not seen since before the break-up of the relationship with her boyfriend .
11 It remains to be seen whether in the context of ‘ cohabitation ’ Jacques Sallois , the current incumbent , will be perceived as too close to Lang — he was head of his private office 1981–84 — to serve under a Minister of the Centre Right .
12 In fact they may be seen as at the root of practically all marital and sexual dissonance .
13 An office which is assiduous about publication and publicity , but which is often seen as outside the dialogues of current architectural concern in the USA , deserves a more judicious appraisal then it has received , here or elsewhere .
14 We are delighted that 90% of you say that you like the magazine , and you will see that on the strength of that we have followed a similar kind of format : a mixture of news about the University and articles by alumni .
15 Putting these answers together we can see that at the heart of fundamentalism is a longing for a faith which is secure , tangible , successful , simple .
16 And , although he does n't say so , you can see that at the back of his mind , there 's an idea brewing in Andy McDonald .
17 Creggan could not see that at the sound of his words and particularly at the name of Callanish , there came into the eyes of old Minch , who was now held in the cage by the Men , a look as from some vast distance in the past .
18 On his way he passed the main drive , and he could see that at the end of it the gates were open .
19 Yes that 's quite something is n't it , did you see that in the gate of the college , a security man ?
20 You can see that in the faces of those who do it for positive reasons unconnected with ego .
21 Here , then , is the connection with Alice and the Red Queen , but you can see that in the case of the trees it is not really paradoxical .
22 I believe it is very important to judge a new settlement in terms of viability and sustainability on the availability of some significant element of jobs , of course it will never be self contained , erm but that is a very important factor , I do n't see that in the list of criteria .
23 We are enormously fortunate as our Chairman said in his video presentation , erm , to have such devoted , loyal and committed staff , and I think you can see that in the quality of the work which comes out of N C V O and the way in which it it moves forward , always , sort of , going towards er er taking with it the members .
24 To the right was a road which she could n't see because of the height of the wall , but she could see the tops of buses and lorries , travelling along it .
25 In the first experiment , we saw that as the number of possibilities in which the cards may be sorted increases , the reaction time required increases proportionally .
26 So let's just er to put it in context again , we saw that on the day of the ascension Jesus instructed his friends to go on proclaiming the good news throughout the world to help others become disciples , and bring to them , and bring them to membership of the church through baptism .
27 It was Mr Major who saw that in the preservation of the Union lay an issue which would strike a chord not only in Scotland , but across Britain .
28 POSTSCRIPT : As I write I have just been handed a newspaper and I see that at the Court of Appeal in London on April 30th , the following transpired ‘ Trade Unions scored a notable victory in their fight to maintain collective bargaining yesterday when the Court of Appeal said employers had no right to discriminate against workers who refused to sign personal contracts ’ .
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