Example sentences of "see [conj] [art] [adj] [noun sg] of " in BNC.

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1 Even so , it 's very pleasant to see that a goodly swathe of video cards is supported directly .
2 King Hussein , who had resisted calls from Moslem Brotherhood members of parliament and leftists to boycott the conference , said in an emotional speech on Oct. 12 at a conference of 2,500 elected officials in Amman that he had been assured by the USA that it would " do its utmost " to see that a transitional period of Palestinian " autonomy " in the occupied territories would be negotiated within a year of the conference opening , and announced Jordan 's unconditional acceptance of US terms for the proposed Middle East peace conference .
3 This is a superficial view of psychoanalytic theory , because it fails to see that the prime objective of Freud is not merely to explain the ‘ odd ’ actions of neurotics or primitives , but to use their actions to understand and explain what counts as ‘ normal ’ and ordinary action in Western societies .
4 Here it is important to see that the traditional category of plural is not symmetrically applied to first Person in the way it is to third : we does not mean plural speakers in the same way that they means more than one third person entity ( Lyons , 1968 : 277 ) .
5 The swelling made it impossible to discern his expression , but it was easy to see that the lower half of his face would always be grotesquely twisted .
6 True , they all do want to see that the overall size of the cake for the military grows , but if any service was to be offered more while all the other services were offered very much less , it is doubtful whether the favoured service would say no in order to defend their colleagues ' role in society .
7 It is sad to see that the ruling body of American golf is still not willing to invite the best players to compete in its Major Championships .
8 Children will begin to see that the same amount of water will fill containers that appear to be of different capacity .
9 If , however , we look at the hidden psychological level , we can begin to see that the basic purpose of the transaction was to reject advice rather than to receive it .
10 Those of us who have fought those of us who have fought still have one job we can do and that is to see that the military capability of the United States is such that no potential aggressor will ever dare attack us .
11 Like Mary Kingsley she was down-to-earth and when her expedition reached Abu Simbel she was horrified to see that the colossal figure of Rameses II was disfigured by plaster left on it fifty years before by an enthusiastic cast-maker .
12 The needs of the library 's users must provide the basis for such decisions , and librarians must make every effort to see that the full extent of these needs is known , in all their range and variety .
13 It can be seen that a long list of students ( or any other units ) could be used for a random sample by this means simply by numbering from beginning to end , and this could be done with an automatic increasing numbering stamp .
14 It can be seen that a high degree of organisation and ample provision of resources would be essential for such an exercise to work .
15 It will be seen that a high proportion of cases disappear after the issue of a writ , presumably either settled or discontinued .
16 In conclusion to this section on depositional fabrics it can be seen that a considerable amount of information can be gained from petrographic studies which can be used to supplement field studies and gain insight into the origins of the sediment .
17 It can be seen that the correct dose of the correct medicine will aid a person 's healing .
18 It can be seen that the central position of the MTFS is the ‘ monetarist view ’ of inflation that controlling the rate of growth of the money supply is a necessary and sufficient condition for bringing inflation under control over the medium term , covering a period of 3–4 years .
19 It can be seen that the entire reasoning of the passage I have just quoted is based on a misconception of the meaning of the word ‘ appropriates , ’ and that misconception springs from the misconceived argument and counter-argument at p. 377 of the judgment .
20 He has just seen that the ultimate aim of the caseworker must not be to casework at all , but to get his cases to face up to caseworking themselves .
21 It can be seen that the raw material of creativity has a diverse background of information ; in Coleridge 's case he was an avid reader of all the explorations that were the rage at that time .
22 It will be seen that the top line of activities repeats the first stage of the company strategic plan as it affects R&D .
23 It will be seen that the harmonic scheme of the original has been strictly adhered to , though it has been considerably amplified .
24 We have already seen that the social activity of " chattin " Patois " involves a speaker 's using relatively more Creole features than s/he usually does when speaking " ordinary English " .
25 For we have already seen that an increased proportion of defendants committed for trial to the Crown Court during the 1990s has led to an expanded population of remand prisoners .
26 Moreover local authorities , viewed by the previous Labour government as the ‘ natural agencies ’ to tackle such regeneration , were now seen as a major cause of the problem .
27 As such it is seen as the first part of a larger work , to be completed by sequel works of a similar kind but which will be separately specified and will be covered by separate agreements in accordance with the terms and conditions laid down in Clause 14.1 .
28 That the Romans had " abandoned the disciplined , frugal and stern manner of life that had brought them to such greatness , and fell into the pernicious pursuit of luxury and licence " ( 37.2. 1 ) was , in the same perspective , seen as the primary cause of the Social War .
29 They will also clarify whether such difficulties are best seen as an exaggerated form of more normal occurrences , or as arising in a different way from the mistakes made by normal people .
30 The two are believed to have been talking to Republicans to see if a different kind of package could be put together .
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