Example sentences of "see [art] [noun] [prep] [noun] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Tate saw clearly the point at issue : ‘ Mr Eliot 's critics are a little less able each year to see the poetry for Westminster Abbey ; the wood is all trees ’ .
2 We are now in a position to see the significance of government expenditure and taxation flows in the determination of national income levels .
3 It is entirely right , therefore , that we are beginning to see the signs of peer assessment being employed as part of the formal assessment procedure in some institutions of higher education .
4 I had to react in a split second , so I was a bit hurt to see the papers on Tuesday morning suggesting that my actions in that one second cost England the Test match .
5 Many want to see the return of petrol pump attendants because of the difficulties with self-self service .
6 Mrs Robinson is scheduled to be in Britain from Wednesday to Friday , and is likely to see the Queen at Buckingham Palace on Thursday .
7 The leadership wants to see the proportion of union voting strength at party conferences reduced from the current 70 per cent — down for the first time this year from the traditional 90 per cent — to an eventual 50 per cent .
8 It is only after the Glorious Revolution — with the emergence of regular sessions of Parliament , when much of the ordinary business of government ( as opposed to just crisis situations ) came to be conducted along party lines , when Parliamentary divisions over a range of issues allow us to see the consistency of party allegiance amongst MPs , and when the parties came to develop fairly sophisticated organisational structures for the pursuit of their political goals — that it is possible to talk of a two-party system .
9 Reportedly AT&T was anxious to see the back of NCR Corp 's ex-CEO Gil Williamson because he just was n't user-friendly enough , not a motivator .
10 She was not sorry to see the back of Lazar Farm this time .
11 He identified the photographs and was anxious to see the ones at Grindlewood Park .
12 What he means by this is that he wants to see the thing in loan committee , damn the company 's leverage , and damn the balance-of-payments problems in the Philippines , period .
13 We would like to see the regulation of car boot sales implemented on a national basis , building on a current good practice .
14 Analysts were more impressed with chairman and chief executive Sir Geoffrey Mulcahy 's guarded optimism that the high street was beginning to see the awakenings of consumer confidence .
15 Furthermore , the window of his college bedroom was cherished in his memory because it enabled him to see the Antechapel of Trinity College ,
16 David Pool has little time for the mystification of artists and their art , and his sole intent is to see the momentum of improvement roll of regardless of fragile egos .
17 To see the implications of corporation tax , T KX , we now treat the commodity inputs as circulating capital , on which there is a required rate of profit r .
18 Seeing the singer on telly squawking ‘ E's are good ’ was like watching a kid waving its potty around its head .
19 Seeing the island by service bus is the cheapest way and can be the most interesting .
20 ‘ People are just not seeing the value of breast milk , ’ says Alison Spiro , NCT milk-bank coordinator and Parents Family Health Adviser .
21 And he had tried to be helpful about the blotter , staring at it with almost painful intensity before saying that he thought that the black markings had n't been there when he had last seen the blotter on Monday evening .
22 Walkers using the Portsmouth road will have seen the progress by Downland Housing Association at the Larch Cottage site to provide new homes for rent or at affordable prices for local people .
23 Such approaches have always seen the complexity of design activity with its range of apparently contradictory impulses and antitheses ; is the emphasis to be on questions of form or of function or on solving technical or aesthetic desires and needs ?
24 Analysts that have seen the things at beta test sites in the US expect them to be announced next year for delivery in 1994 — but analysts are almost always too optimistic in forecasting IBM announcement dates .
25 The past four years have seen the introduction of CD-ROM technology , desktop publishing and , this year , desktop presentation and office publishing .
26 And we 've seen , we 've seen the commitment to Local Government , have n't we , on the planning application on the , where two local Councillors , two Labour Councillors , sitting there , listened so much to their electorate that they abstain when it comes up to the vote ?
27 In the last three months , which should have seen the culmination of Jubilee Year , a number of things happened which combined to slow and stop the momentum of Jubilee Year .
28 Increasingly , candidates for political leadership have seen the balance of advantage swing away from those who control organizational resources towards those with ‘ media recognition ’ — a public profile calculated to secure them appropriate media coverage with the new mass selectorate that chooses presidential candidates or party leaders .
29 Having seen the effect of jeep fire-power during the earlier raid , Stirling was convinced that such a massed attack would achieve spectacular results .
30 Netwise is eager to bolster the Unix side of its business , but admits ‘ NobleNet has obviously seen the light with RPC technology that the rest of us did n't … they 're going to be tough to beat ’ .
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