Example sentences of "see [prep] [art] [noun] of [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It is the vision of seeing through the inheritance of family emotions , the release of burdens imposed by the past , the healing of memories long since buried in one 's psyche .
2 As Pathfinders they had the extra advantage of being able to use all the latest radar equipment to enable them to see through the layers of cloud , and when they were talking to Met Officers we would hear mysterious references to ‘ Gee ’ and ‘ H2S ’ .
3 But , in an uncanny moment of premonition , I am able to see through the mists of time to Judgement Day .
4 From their own number they chose Bel Shanaar , Prince of Tiranoc , an Elf who had distinguished himself in the war and yet was seen as a voice of peace and reason .
5 He had the advantage of being seen as a man of peace , whereas Reagan made many voters nervous .
6 He is the first of the so-called Marcos cronies to have stood up to the Presidential Commission on Good Government , and as a result is seen as a man of action .
7 Pragmatic or contextual knowledge can be seen as a type of meta-knowledge , having effects throughout the other levels .
8 As with the shipping industry , this is seen as a conflict of interest .
9 Even the government 's re-entry into the gilts market as public borrowing has risen is seen as a sign of hope .
10 Although the amount of employment created by Nissan was relatively small compared to the huge loss of manufacturing jobs caused by de-industrialisation in the North East , the investment was seen as a sign of hope , possibly leading to involvement by other Japanese companies .
11 Their achievement is seen as a sign of hope in a country where the seven-year civil war has forced half a million people into exile and a further half million to become refugees in their own land .
12 Bans on parades are always seen as a sign of weakness , and as such have frequently given militant Protestants a chance to show , by defying the bans , that they will not be a party to any ‘ sell-out ’ .
13 This will not be seen as a sign of weakness but a real sign of strength .
14 It is always hard to forgive people because forgiveness is often seen as a sign of weakness and we feel vulnerable enough after we have been hurt that we tend to build a wall between ourselves and those who have offended us , rather than to have the strength to forgive them and therefore become reconciled with them .
15 But in societies where infants are exclusively breast-fed from birth and in contact with their non-allergic , non-food-bingeing , non-smoking mothers , ‘ colic ’ is unknown and infant crying is seen as a sign of distress , which warrants immediate attention .
16 In particular they have been seen as a system of colonization , and as institutions designed to ensure the military dominance of Israel over the indigenous Palestinian population .
17 Yesterday 's ballot was widely seen as a test of strength for Mr Meciar , whose hand-picked candidate last month outpolled his opposition rival but failed to garner the required three fifths majority in the 150-seat house in two rounds of voting last month .
18 Soon , Russia was seen as a land of opportunity and many men who went there attained high positions .
19 The case is well known in England as well as Wales , and is seen as a trial of strength between the conservation and quarrying lobbies .
20 The struggle was seen as a trial of strength , and the employers ' victory as decisive .
21 Pleasure and pain can not be seen as a lowering of tension and a heightening of tension respectively ; there can be a pleasurable heightening of tension , as in sexual activity ( a new admission compared with the position Freud took in Beyond the Pleasure Principle ) and a painful lowering of tensions .
22 The ideal female nude is thus seen as a triumph of form and expression ; a realisation of qualities which are believed to be intrinsic to the female body .
23 The lack of liquid refreshment during a two hour meeting could be seen as a lack of courtesy and , if this occurs again , it is suggested that a tactful reference to the need for a drink be made during the meeting — the result may be only a glass of water , but that is better than nothing !
24 Welfare is seen as a drug of addiction but studies of long-term welfare recipients have found that only one in five daughters of dependent mothers themselves become dependent .
25 The work of the Frankfurt School as a whole can be seen as a critique of ideology .
26 Killing people simply in order to satisfy hunger is hardly one of humanity s more endearing habits ( and anyway seems always to have been rare ) , but the consumption of dead heroes can be seen as a mark of respect , in that the eaters may hope to inherit some of the admired qualities of the deceased .
27 There is a view that is as old , probably , as the human race , and certainly as old as Homer and the ancient Greeks , that there is one ethical structure that represents right for men : a composite of manly virtues , such as courage , endurance , physical stamina , wiliness and political judgement , and a corresponding but complementary conception of what is right for women , womanly virtue being seen as a mixture of timidity , tenderness , compliance , docility , softness , innocence and domestic competence .
28 For instance , drama/theatre studies has now come to be seen as a mixture of improvisation , responding to a set text and the evaluation of both pupil 's own work as well as performances they may have seen .
29 The Polytechnic enclosed a small square garden which the architect had seen as a kind of cloister for scholarly pacing .
30 It can nevertheless be seen as a kind of charade whereby societies have in the past been held together but which , as a charade , is replaceable by something not involving the pretence element .
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