Example sentences of "out and [verb] [pron] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Charles cut out and kept his probably-nice review .
2 ‘ I fell out and banged my funny bone .
3 You must end his solo visits now and make an effort to get out and build your romantic life outside your family circle .
4 She longed to reach out and press her open palm against it .
5 Described by one author as the Jekyll and Hyde Cat , this animal suddenly lashes out and attacks its friendly owner 's hand .
6 Slowly she stretched out and cupped her own hands firmly round his , steadying and warming them .
7 Xanthe was shaking out and smoothing her full skirt .
8 he replied , ‘ There are bastards around just waiting for someone to cop it , then they dash out and pinch his bloody boots . ’
9 Cut out and keep your exclusive Gardener 's Year in our useful binder .
10 That 's the thing , the thing is like , and like er , he 's Billy 's been given a lot of scope though , erm , to just go out and do his own thing and he thinks like a , as a , I was speaking to like his er course tutor and it is erm Councillor and Katie was saying that Billy thinks that because he 's got , he 's got this , this wee job now that like , he 's er he 's the street cred you know , he 's cool .
11 And this has been brought about to enhance your safety , not only when you 're at your place of work , but when you 're out and enjoying your social evening either at a theatre , a pub , a club or the cinema or wherever you may be .
12 The gyro has made it much easier to learn to fly but , once you overcome the basic hurdle , it merely serves to smooth things out and make your flying tidier .
13 Is n't it time that Silver sorted things out and got us some money to buy players even if it means bringing in another board member .
14 Then I splashed out and got my first Alembic — cost me £890 in 1980 , serious cash .
15 I cleared it out and relaid it this morning , fortunately .
16 These nonconformists or dissenters — were no longer , however , simply allowed to opt out and organize their own services , for the legislation of the Clarendon Code passed in the 1660s made any such unauthorized meetings for worship illegal .
17 Fixed to your garden shed roof , or a convenient post , they 'll come in useful when those cold north winds blow in the autumn or spring , and you need to rush out and protect your tender plantings .
18 He did not want to be bothered with the problems she encountered , with water that seemed brackish or ceilings that had cracked — they were her concerns and , as she complained in a letter to Minnie : — I am driven to distraction with those household concerns with which you will be familiar Minnie but then in your case you have but to report them for them to be seen to by the master who will instruct the butler to bring in workmen and I am obliged to go out and seek my own help which is no easy thing .
19 Whoever the new man at the top was , I would have staked plenty that his first move would be to squeeze Sydney out and add his former holdings to the pot .
20 He felt unseen hands help him into one of the partitioned stalls and there he stretched out and closed his stinging eyes .
21 Eventually , and despite the onset of winter weather , we managed to get most of the sequences we wanted , including foxes scavenging on long , lonely stretches of shingle , male foxes pacing out and marking their territorial boundaries , foxes fighting , and cubs in search of their own territories .
22 We did n't have much to do , just sit at a table or something , and when it 's over I go outside and sit in the car , and Peckinpah comes out and gives me this look .
23 Within a hundred metres he came across the first tank paths , ghost-like trails that appeared to be overgrown now , ever since the Russians had pulled out and taken their exhaust-belching tanks home on low-loader trains .
24 It made my head swim , so that I can remember , after that , only hopeless confusion : Nonni coming in and crying , Richard yelling at her to get out and mind her own business , and behind it all , poor Tom sobbing and sobbing .
25 Flushes of erotic feeling engulfed her , as he took an eternity to seek out and tease her dainty clitoris .
26 To extricate himself he had to fasten on the strike notices which the TUC had sent out and demand their unconditional withdrawal as a prelude to further negotiations .
27 I took my automatic out and rested its cold metal on Rhonda 's paper torso .
28 Next night he fancied a bit of fresh salmon and as he only had two days to live , she rushed out and bought him some salmon .
29 Well probably in your early days you 'll probably do a mix , but if y the quicker you can get to only work , and even to the extent I mean I went out and bought my own book that had personal recommendations on the front and I would actually show that and say look John the only way I actually work , while I get everything ready you might like to look through because it 's the only way I work , I purely work on a personal recommendation basis and that enables me to get quality clients like yourself erm and I can devote time to you rather than have to go out looking for people to tell my story
30 They need the wide open expanses of a high wall , fence , side of a house , or even trees , where they can fling out and stretch their long stems — 30ft ( 9m ) high is by no means unusual .
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