Example sentences of "out of all [noun] to [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 This relentless nagging and tidying will have an effect out of all proportion to its actual cogency .
2 It seems likely that both the concern of political parties and of the public at the activities of the BUF was totally out of all proportion to its importance and to the political challenge which it presented ; as John Stevenson and Chris Cook wrote ‘ British fascism was almost a non-starter ’ .
3 Knill described the importance of LOIS , which will investigate pollution in estuaries and shallow waters , as being out of all proportion to its size ’ .
4 Thus emphasis has often been placed on the use of the card catalogue as a major source for locating material , out of all proportion to its value for obtaining information when compared to other tools for information retrieval .
5 On the other hand , to magnify this incident in the life of Gandhi out of all proportion to its significance is also a questionable enterprise .
6 It has been open to abuse , and indeed has been abused in the past by the Sheffield Mafia , which continues to exercise a covert control over British climbing media and administration out of all proportion to its collective record or ongoing contribution .
7 The Leningrad Philharmonic Orchestra 's reputation has long been out of all proportion to its representation on record , at least in the West .
8 The publicity given to the company in the Seventies was out of all proportion to its size ; but magazine and newspaper editors recognized that Ashley shops and their products offered something quite new .
9 The NRA , which traditionally wielded a degree of influence out of all proportion to its 2,600,000 members , as usual forcefully combated the bill .
10 ‘ Its ‘ word of mouth ’ share is out of all proportion to its share of what goes into the mouth'
11 Cooper & Lybrand 's Mr Mole says : ‘ Haagen-Dazs has created a so-called super premium sector whose share of ‘ word of mouth ’ is out of all proportion to its share of what goes into the mouth . ’
12 The book disappoints , however , by its limited use of the large number of books written by or about Canadians in the two World Wars , in which that country made a contribution to Allied arms out of all proportion to her population .
13 Take the example of Italy , where proportional representation has created permanent instability , with a series of coalition governments that have had to depend on several minor parties whose influence has been out of all proportion to their success in the polls .
14 In fact , the number of left-wing activists was never large but their impact was out of all proportion to their numbers because they found new methods of protest which caught the imagination of much larger numbers .
15 Only 1,000 members live in Britain , although their influence is out of all proportion to their numbers .
16 Here most of the hills are rocky and small , but since they thrust up their shapely , jagged features from lochan-speckled moors , they create a presence out of all proportion to their size : sort of miniature weathered sandstone versions of the Torridon giants .
17 The revolutionary intelligentsia were to assume an importance out of all proportion to their meagre numbers .
18 We often find that people quite junior in the hierarchy have influence out of all proportion to their position because of their standing in the informal structure .
19 If it comes to be feared that the defence might make procedural capital from such inconsistencies , which is out of all proportion to their factual significance , a tendency might develop to iron out inconsistencies regarded as minor or marginal , thus weakening the re-investigation process .
20 Simply expressed , a relatively poorly supported centre party with well under 20 per cent of the vote , but with some eighty or so seats , would invariably be in government ; would be in a position to determine whether Conservative or Labour were drawn into government with it ; and would , therefore , be able to exert an influence over the direction of public policy out of all proportion to their votes and support in the country at large .
21 Unfortunately it is also associated with an ‘ illusion of competence ’ effect which leads those employing interviews to value the quality of their decisions out of all proportion to their probable true worth .
22 Within this group are the ‘ problem families ’ , always on the edge of pauperism and crime , riddled with mental and physical defects , in and out of the Courts for child neglect , a menace to the community of which the gravity is out of all proportion to their numbers .
23 Tiny though they were by today 's standards , they had a local importance out of all proportion to their size .
24 But , of course , some status symbols merely seek to inflate the importance of an office or a person out of all proportion to his or her achievements or responsibilities .
25 For this reason it has always enjoyed a notability out of all relation to its size .
26 It 's not easy to describe Signe , for she left you with a memory out of all relation to her true appearance .
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