Example sentences of "up and [vb pp] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It is clear that such occasions brought together , often from many countries , knights who were brought up and trained in the same martial traditions .
2 Draining peatbogs to plant trees releases more carbon dioxide than can ever be taken up and stored by the planted trees , according to a report by Friends of the Earth .
3 The victim was either nailed or tied to the cross beam by his wrists , before it was hoisted up and fixed into the permanent upright stake of the cross .
4 We saw our chance , and hastily we packed up and prepared for the long trek back the way we had come , to the Youth Hostel .
5 Vodafone Group Plc claims that a survey by the Office of Telecommunications shows that it provides the best quality of service available to mobile phone users : Vodafone has more than 820,000 of the 1.4m UK subscribers and in its first quality survey Oftel monitored 120 routes across the UK , finding that Vodafone had an overall success rate for call connection of 93% against 88.7% for Cellnet Mobile Communications Ltd ; some 95.8% of calls on Vodafone 's network from mobile to fixed line phones were set up and completed at the first attempt , said Oftel , compared with 92.5% on Cellnet 's network ; fixed to mobile on the same basis were 92.4% for Vodafone and 89.8% for Cellnet ; Cellnet reckons it comes out tops in trials of hand portables in the Greater London area .
6 Strachan took one touch , lined the ball up and struck with the trusty right foot .
7 When the permanent notes arrive the two sets are joined up and filed in the usual way .
8 An anxious young face disappeared from the window as their car drew up and parked under the dripping trees , but it was the Brigadier himself who appeared at the door to meet them .
9 Several thousand species of fish have developed bony connections of some kind to link their swim bladders to the inner ear capsules , so that the vibrations picked up and amplified by the sympathetic resonance of the swim bladder are transmitted to the semicircular canals .
10 Isabel sat up and concentrated on the small casket he placed beside her .
11 'shin " d " encodes past activity , but only in relation to the utterance 's internal system of time referencing which has already been set up and controlled by the deictic references of earlier elements .
12 His thoughts wandered to the Standard which he had folded up and stuffed into the top drawer of his desk when Mrs Strawson was announced .
13 Parliamentary proceedings are written up and published in the daily Hansard .
14 Unless he considers that there are important aspects requiring further investigation in depth , the Chief Inspector will order that a summary of the facts relating to — the accident be drawn up and published in the next monthly issue of AIB bulletins .
15 Bunny put a foot on the gate and lithely jumped up and perched on the topmost bar .
16 As the Foreign Office was still trying to maintain the secrecy of my visits , it was determined that on this occasion I would be met at Johannesburg airport and driven by road to the Rhodesian border where I would be picked up and conveyed by the Rhodesian authorities .
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