Example sentences of "up here [prep] a [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It means so much to the supporters in the Oxford area , it means so much to the club , I think you 've really got to be up here for a long time to realise just how much it does mean to everybody in this area .
2 ‘ Look , did you call me up here for a particular reason ?
3 You see , some of your ideas are beginning to rub off on me , and I want to start keeping better records here , as well has have regular weekly clinics instead of just coming up here on a casual basis . ’
4 He did a runner on her , turned up here with a split bone or two , which I fixed , and then he headed off again . ’
5 ‘ Paul arrived up here as a typical Cockney .
6 The Pic du Midi has long had an observatory on top , a very substantial structure indeed and occupied since I 88 I , after the scientists who started it had got into the arduous habit of spending their winters up here in a small hotel .
7 Most members are very friendly , and there are a lot of us in the ‘ central belt ’ up here in a wide variety of jobs .
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