Example sentences of "up [prep] the [noun sg] to [art] " in BNC.

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1 I soon had an armful , then clambered up off the shingle to the better walking of the salt-washed turf where the burn , dividing into deep peaty runnels , cut its way to the shore .
2 The retired GP , aged 73 , who lives in the Spinney , Middleton St George , worked his way up through the order to the post of county surgeon for County Durham .
3 The track then goes up through the forest to the crest of the hill .
4 It appears that Geordie , the Newcastle chap who cheered things up during the trip to the beach last week , by being the first to run naked into the sea , was badly wounded when his jeep ran over a mine and the driver was killed .
5 Eventually we met up below the entrance to the Kitchen .
6 Joey Dunlop is second in the Roadracing Ireland Open Championship and would appear to have it wrapped up following the injury to the championship leader , Derek Young , at Kirkistown last Saturday .
7 . The letters of all good soldiers show that the military duties of the soldier and his good military bearing are indivisibly bound up with the loyalty to the Führer and thus with a genuine National Socialist attitude in general …
8 The Royal Mail 's come up with the answer to a sticky problem .
9 Faxfinders — the first Barlaston admin. circle to make a presentation — came up with the solution to the complex problem after months of hard work .
10 The ponies were tied up in the shade to the branches of a row of gum trees which divided the two pitches .
11 It is certainly not unreasonable to refuse to give up a bank note which you pick up in the street to the first stranger who alleges it to be his , if you tell him that you must make further inquiries or that he must produce evidence which will authenticate his claim .
12 He went into the building , up in the lift to the fifth floor , and called a conference among his senior colleagues .
13 While he and Blanche hummed up in the lift to the conference room , Dexter told the superintendent what he had found out at the dry cleaner 's .
14 It was midway through her third croissant that Lisa caught sight of little Emily , striding , hand in hand with Vass , along the path that led up from the shore to the house .
15 The honourary medical officer of the Longhope lifeboat is Dr Tony , and he would normally be assisting casualties to be uplifted , but that day he himself was to be winched up from the lifeboat to the helicopter , and once that part of the exercise was completed and he was back , safely on deck , I asked him , How was that ?
16 He straightened the folds , and ran his fingers through the dead youth 's thick thatch of reddish-brown hair , up from the nape to the rounding at the back of the head , where that seam had rested , and surely helped to break the force of the blow .
17 Lay blind out flat with lining uppermost , and mark the position of the lath channel by measuring up from the hemline to a distance equal to the depth of the bottom pelmet .
18 From Dundonnell a cart track leads up from the road to the plateau of An Teallach and can be followed until the twin peaks of Beinn Dearg come into sight .
19 The only source of security , the sole refuge from this malevolent world , is in the kindred and the band , that tight little group of 100 or so other people with whom one 's life is bound up from the cradle to the grave .
20 Two men crouched against each other , bums stuck out , arms swinging up from the grass to the grip in salmon-like curves .
21 Missed departure cover is particularly important because there is more chance of being held up on the way to the airport in winter than in summer .
22 Banks usually have mixed feelings about these kind of arrangements as the exporter controls the security — leaving the bank exposed if they have to pay up on the Credit to the supplier but the esporter fails , for whatever reason , to draw on the export Credit .
23 At this point , an isolated plantation will be noticed up on the hillside to the left , and if it can be reached without damaging walls it should be .
24 My job was to take the cart up on the moor to a place called Mile End , and you sat with it all day until they brought the grouse to you .
25 Newman climbed out of the car , locked it , strolled up to the entrance to the house .
26 all up to the path to the grass .
27 He went out and took the path that leads up over the ridge to the ferry .
28 A local builder , probably the same man who had just built the beautiful house of Newton Ferrers , created this simple masterpiece in the local sea-grey basaltic stone , mixed with silvery granite from the moor up over the hill to the north .
29 piece of metal put up over the entrance to the compost plant please .
30 As he ate , he opened and closed drawers , he examined papers and objects on his desk : ‘ I 'll let you loose in the west gallery and catch you up at the door to the stock-room .
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