Example sentences of "up [conj] [verb] it [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Appropriates ’ is generally proved by a witness stating that the accused picked the property up or put it in a shopping bag or a pocket .
2 Pages were put together by gathering the material up and roughing it into a layout based round the principal hooks — the headlines and pictures which were the only things that really mattered .
3 The hon. Member for Rugby and Kenilworth stood up and praised it to the heavens — they all did , calling it the flagship of their policy .
4 And I usually pin my hair up and stick it under a baseball cap .
5 She had scrumpled it up and tossed it into the wastepaper basket with an insouciant laugh … well , more of a furious scowl , actually , and then had had to put up with Helena asking whether Matthew Prescott was that rather super chap who had been featured in GQ a short while ago .
6 Instead you were given a medicine bottle , bought a stick of liquorice , cut this up and stuck it into the bottle .
7 If you come across a taxi token , pick it up and use it for a free taxi ride to any part of the city .
8 He said the Tories were destroying the national character of the health service and were intent on breaking it up and replacing it with an American-style system that owed more to accountants than doctors .
9 He said the Tories were destroying the national character of the health service and were intent on breaking it up and replacing it with an American-style system that owed more to accountants than doctors .
10 Peeling and torn adverts advertise the ‘ Summer Sun ’ a middle aged woman , in a tweed suit looks up and reads it as an excuse to turn away from her neighbour , an ‘ undesirable type ’ or a young again middle aged man greased back hair , a black fake leather jacket with sheep skin bits appearing here and there and a necklace protruding from his left nostril eventually attaching itself to his right ear .
11 The first indication that anything was wrong came three months after I had let the tank up and stocked it for the first time .
12 Charging pensioners and children for medical prescriptions picked that one up and dropped it like a hot potato and charging for hospital treatment and why so why not do a U-turn on on this one ?
13 He picked it up and dropped it in a bowl of fruit punch .
14 He lifted it up and dropped it in the white plastic bag which lines the litter bin .
15 So takes it up and knits it on the back .
16 Thankfully there 's always Dave Hemingway 's grin , Brian Corrigan 's Grogan-esque voice and Heaton 's foppish dancing to cheer us up and turn it into a gorgeous and lurvely night .
17 He had installed her in a cottage on East Street and in the last few days before the wedding she had worked all hours to spicken the place up and turn it into a home for him .
18 The steak was ready and Matthew dished it up and took it to the dining table .
19 I wonder if you grind it up and smoke it in a pipe with tobacco , would it have the same effect ?
20 During the week , whenever they were out , she insisted that she roll her hair up and put it under the cap .
21 Then probably , if the weather was fine the next day or two , we would go and drag-rake it up with another horse in a drag-rake ; and then rake it all up and put it on the cock .
22 It occurs in a book called The Scots Week-end , published by the Carswells in the late 1930s , and crying out for some other publisher to take it up and put it on the market , where it would be grabbed by many eager Scots .
23 Could you just take the carrycot up and put it on the floor ?
24 You 've only got to bag it up and put it on the side of the road .
25 They 're one point eight G L Estate F reg , four thousand , two hundred , that 's A B C D E , five year 's difference , done four thousand , two hundred , two , eight hundred quid , well actually it 's , our cars worth over a grand if I 'd sprayed it up and put it on the market
26 Anthony came to read it , then automatically folded it up and put it in the breast pocket of his black coat .
27 And after several attempts to break the shell open by picking it up and dropping it onto the rocks , well that did n't work , so the bird picked it up and then from a about a height of twenty feet it dropped it onto the rocks below .
28 Although I keep pulling it up and throwing it in the dustbin , it keeps coming back .
29 Then they stand it up and show it to the world .
30 Then , suddenly , he picked it up and flung it across the room .
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