Example sentences of "her [noun sg] have been [adv] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It never occurred to Charles that Diana would find any of this odd or difficult to accept ; but her upbringing had been entirely different .
2 Yet her mind had been so parched by convention that had her full complement of guests not interacted in the manner of characters in a well-made play , set in a small hotel in Scandinavia , she would not have been able to cope .
3 Her mind had been so full of Travis that she 'd forgotten all about her cousin and the jade figurine , and the recall now was an unpleasant shock .
4 She had seen him only once during the past three years — two bleak weeks ago at the funeral , when her grief had been so great that she had barely registered his presence .
5 This decision filled her with profound gloom ; not only because her home had been so special and so very much loved , but also because the selling of Rose Cottage could do nothing but plunge her into financial disaster .
6 Her work has been very much as ‘ back-room ’ for her husband in his political career , and jointly with him in their shared interests — two books on the church architecture of London and one on Northern Lazio in Italy .
7 Charlotte 's response to her discovery had been so instinctive , and the action it had prompted her to take so urgent , that it was not until late afternoon , aboard a train drawing ever closer to Paris , that she began to consider the difficulties and possible consequences of the task she had set herself .
8 Lisa felt duly chastened , though her remark had been quite innocent .
9 And her reaction had been rather revealing , she was thinking .
10 Her reaction had been quietly puzzled .
11 I had heard that her husband had been very cruel to her .
12 Her husband had been very involved in his work , she tells the Coroner .
13 Apparently that imperious woman , Lady Nancy Wyndham , felt that her youngest son was marrying well beneath him , although her husband had been very kind and friendly .
14 His wife Fenella told the Huntingdon inquest her husband had been extremely conscientious in his 18 years with Barclays .
15 Mr James remembers her well , she was a sweet woman , all good nature , not a thought in her head , who asked for nothing but to love and cherish ( her husband had been spectacularly unfaithful to her , even for Rome — it runs in that family ) .
16 Well yes I had to spend quite a lot of time on the line to her because er her husband 's been quite ill with bladder trouble .
17 She suspected that her friend had been more ill than she admitted .
18 Her friend had been so perceptive about the complicated , tortuous relationship between herself and Ross that maybe there really was something in astrology , after all ?
19 ‘ It 's such a Cinderella story : she was so very young when she was first plucked from obscurity and hurled into the limelight and yet her transformation has been so quick .
20 Her sleep had been very disturbed .
21 She felt that her success had been very much due to the ‘ enterprise society ’ .
22 Her vision 's been very blurred and she 's had another urinary tract infection . ’
23 Despite her wealth and connections , her life had been quietly sheltered .
24 Her life 's been too easy .
25 The broader circumstances of her life have been more trying , however .
26 A little earlier when they 'd listened to the Army vehicle 's wireless her hearing had been so acute that every syllable spoken sounded as if it were being shouted directly into her ear .
27 But the reply to her letter had been so cold .
28 McAllister 's influence on her treasure had been so good , he was quite transformed .
29 Taking the game in 1986 , Lea-Anna 's first handicap was 36 , but her progression has been extremely rapid and she is currently playing off 15 .
30 Her idea had been rather startling , even silly , but she had wanted to have a black crepe dress and bangles and a tent , and to tell fortunes .
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