Example sentences of "her [noun sg] [vb past] [vb pp] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 She had known as soon as they had arrived at the lodge that her heart had made the right decision , even though it felt irresponsible and utterly childish to be spending a summer like this , at her age , and after all the work she had done to put the initials MD after her name .
2 Seeking to print the problem of a correspondent whose small son had , " taken a little girl behind the settee and pulled her knickers down " , she found her sub-editor had deleted the latter part of the quoted sentence and substituted , " taken off part of her underclothes " .
3 During Isabelle Russell 's lifetime , she and her husband had shared the big front bedroom .
4 Her father had chaired the Royal Society meeting in February 1839 when William Henry Fox Talbot [ q.v. ] first publicly revealed the details of photogenic drawing .
5 And anyway , he did n't say that her great-grandfather had started the sweet shop next door from the proceeds of his wife 's slaving over pans of boiling sugar to make home-made toffee in her little kitchen .
6 Stirring it around herself , she looked down at her long body , noticing how her illness had removed the last spare flesh .
7 This , she argued , was very similar to the code of Weishaupt , the founder of the Illuminati , which in her view had caused the French Revolution .
8 Bad news had a habit of springing ghastly surprises , the way that shattering news about her mother had sprung the cruellest surprise of all … the way her foolish idyll last night had been ruthlessly shattered this morning …
9 But then her pride and her curiosity had got the better of her again , and she remembered why she had agreed to the meeting in the first place .
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