Example sentences of "her [noun pl] and [v-ing] [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He 'd obviously put his own glass down , because he halted her by grabbing her shoulders and bringing her to a halt .
2 Then he was smiling and laying a soft kiss against her lips before slipping one strong arm around her shoulders and leading her across the beach back to the house .
3 I came round the desk then and raised Mrs. Porter by slipping one arm around her shoulders and heaving her into a sitting position .
4 Helpless in her pinioned position , she opened her mouth to make a cutting retort and met Roman 's questing finger , slowly outlining her mouth , feathering indescribable sensations over the surface of her skin , then sliding between her lips and parting them with such lazy insistence that a shiver of reaction made her tremble all over .
5 With a helpless little movement she sat up , drawing up her knees and hugging them as if in some way she might glean comfort from the gesture .
6 ‘ Well … we 're hardly strangers any more , are we ? ’ she demanded , thrusting her hands into her pockets and eyeing him with a trace of annoyance .
7 In this recess Franca sat breathing quietly , taking the air in by her nostrils and expelling it by her mouth .
8 ‘ No , ’ she moaned in a fever against the side of his dark head , ‘ do n't ; I do n't want — ’ Then his mouth covered her own again , cutting off her protests and turning them into stifled , half-broken cries .
9 ‘ All right ! ’ he bit out harshly , suddenly , taking her wrists and pinning them to the bed , breathing raggedly .
10 It showed a girl by a sunlit window with her back turned , apparently drying her loins and watching herself in the mirror at the same time .
11 They were contributed by Jessica Mann , writing in the Sunday Telegraph about Monica Dickens ' One of the Family ( Viking ) : ‘ Monica Dickens had a knack of entering into the feelings of her characters and describing them with apparently artless sincerity , but she was never a cosy writer , being both too realistic and too experienced , having done time herself as a servant , factory girl and a Samaritan …
12 Nottingham Crown Court 's been told that a taxi driver sexually assaulted a woman passenger after ignoring her instructions and driving her to a secluded area in Clumber Park .
13 He came to her , taking her hands and drawing her to her feet , just standing there looking down at her as she found herself quite incapable of resisting .
14 She tried to slide past him but he swung round with her , catching both her hands and holding her in front of him .
15 Using the trowel she chipped at the ground outside the door , prising cold earth from among the prickly stems and broken bricks , gathering it with her hands and putting it into the bucket .
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