Example sentences of "her [noun pl] [adv prt] [prep] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Fran smoothed her notes out on the table , willing her hands to stay still when every bit of her was shaking .
2 By the time she had got her cases up to the guest room , made the bed up and sorted out her food supplies it was beginning to get dark and , although she had a burning desire to go up to the studio , caution prevailed .
3 As I move and start to nestle my shin against a calf whose muscles are loosened by sleep , she senses what I 'm doing , and without waking reaches up with her left hand and pulls the hair off her shoulders on to the top of her head , leaving me her bare nape to nestle in .
4 Waistcoat and shirt rags pulled back from her shoulders along with the shift beneath , which had split like tissue paper .
5 After another fond peep at his sleeping face , she crept out of the room , softly closed the door , and gathering up her skirt in order not to trip over the hem on the way down the stairs , swiftly retraced her steps back to the kitchen and Cissie .
6 ’ She turned and retraced her steps back along the tunnel .
7 Maura rolled her eyes up to the ceiling .
8 Taking a deep breath , and casting her eyes up to the ceiling while she slowly counted to ten , Laura decided that motherhood was a highly overrated occupation .
9 By screwing her eyes up against the glare , she could just about make out what was going on in the refectory .
10 Sally-Anne was delighted by his changed manner ; he always looked so charming when he smiled — even the scar seemed to disappear a little , and as she was always ready for fun herself — a trait she shared with her papa — and the game looked like being fun , she said , eyes shining , ‘ Oh , I play to win , too , but a good servant always does what the Master commands , ’ and she cast her eyes down in the manner of a stage domestic registering submission .
11 She dropped her eyes back to the pile of letters .
12 He lifted her threadbare ratteen skirt , feeling her legs up to the knee .
13 Then she swung her legs out of the bed and hurriedly got dressed .
14 With no clear plan in her head , she pushed her legs out of the bed .
15 She handed him his denim jacket and swung her legs out of the car .
16 Anne reportedly dug her heels in during a family conference at Balmoral .
17 Paige drew her knees up inside the bag , resting her chin on them .
18 A safe distance from shore all sails were set and , with the last anchor hauled in , the mizzen and foresails were backed — the crew hanging far out over the deep-blue water to keep the booms at an angle that would force her bows around towards the south so that her mainsails could fill .
19 ‘ Well , of all the nerve ! ’ she muttered , and , yanking her keys out of the door , she shoved them into her bag and marched across the car park , head held high .
20 At the adjacent table , a loud , powdered woman in a cyclamen hat slipped her shoes off under the table .
21 The beginning , a long time ago , was quite clear : sitting up in bed at home , swinging her feet round to the floor , standing up — and a warm flood spilling down her legs so that she cried out in fright .
22 I would sit with her often for a whole hour , she with her feet up on the sofa , resting .
23 The kitchen , I assume , thought Leonora , and swung her feet up on the sofa , chuckling at the ludicrously large socks .
24 Tamsin puts her feet up on the table and asks why not .
25 Amaranth had no wish to be caught napping in the lounge of the Grand Hotel ; how much better to return to ‘ Mon Repos ’ and put her feet up for an hour or so .
26 She swung her feet on to the floor , and stood before him .
27 The woman took her feet out of the stream and dangled her arms between her upraised knees .
28 After her fourteenth birthday she herself began to teach and never afterwards spent her days out of a classroom .
29 It was too dark to see much of the cottage when she did finally arrive , and , in any case , getting soaked as she lifted her belongings out of the boot did not encourage her to spend time looking around .
30 She is a member of the Institute of Marketing and well versed at getting her ideas over to the public .
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