Example sentences of "who had [adv] [verb] [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I 'm told it 's nothing personal ( it 's never anything personal in racing — a fellow who had just put me through the wing at Naas visited me in hospital to tell me it was nothing personal ) , but the end result is the same .
2 On one occasion he is alleged to have told a bald papal legate who had just excommunicated him for refusing to abandon his mistress that he would see the legate 's hair in curlers before he gave her up .
3 In April 1946 Otto Grotewohl , the SPD leader in the eastern zone , complied with the Soviet wish to unite his party with the Communists , who had also re-formed themselves in 1945 and were hoping to widen their appeal .
4 Höchstetter , Daniel Ulstat , and Hans Lonner , came acting as agents for the outwardly prosperous merchant company " David Haug , Hans Langnauer , and Mitverwandte " who had also involved themselves in mining .
5 William Hulbert offered Burghley 100 angels if he would get the post of customer at Bristol transferred to J. Dowlie , who had probably bought it from Hulbert ; Henry Goldingham promised £100 for the post of controller of the customs at Ipswich ; and Herbert Croft wrote that Richard Davis was offering the same amount for a judgeship in Wales .
6 They were smiling , willing , charming , but they looked like a family from a breakfast cereal commercial who had somehow found themselves in the middle of a real occasion .
7 THERE WERE eight of us who had voluntarily submitted ourselves for treatment at the clinic : two lawyers , two Italian businessmen , two bankers , a fashion designer and me .
8 Catching sight of Philippe Bonard , who had uncharacteristically detached himself from his students and was standing alone at the far end of the terrace , she went over to him .
9 When I was foolish enough to laugh at a preposterous and provocative statement made by Mr Dinsdale — who had surely modelled himself on Dickens 's character Mr Bounderby — he gave me a withering look and asked sarcastically : ‘ Is this a reason to laugh ? ’
10 Mrs Huntley sighed ; her brother whom she had loved , but knew to be self-indulgent to a fault , had done his niece real harm by leaving so much of his money away from the girl who had confidently believed herself to be his favourite thing on earth .
11 Hewlett , author of The Queen 's Quair , brings to mind another writer who had similarly concerned himself with Mary Queen of Scots ( ‘ La Stuarda ’ ) — that is to say , Swinburne in his Mary Stuart .
12 Thirteen thousand of them were commanded by a helmsman who had n't steered anything without wheels for more than a year .
13 The death of key member Ricky Wilson in 1985 of Aids-related cancer , virtually grounded the band , who had n't enjoyed anything like a hit since 1981 's remix EP , Party Mix .
14 He ridiculed the ceremonies in impeccable prose , and disparaged the British Minister and his family , who had not invited him to lunch .
15 Dinah , who had not liked him at Hampstead , did not like him now ; but the information he brought was useful .
16 Under this stage all holders of vouchers who had not placed them with investment funds were able to use them to apply for shares in the 1,500 companies selected for privatization .
17 Sir Patrick said the brochure had a dual aim : to show potential recruits that government legal work was responsible and worthwhile ; and to dispel the notion that the service was for lawyers who had not made it in other parts of the profession .
18 I was a player in a drama written and cast by Jean-Claude , who had not rehearsed me for it .
19 The friends of David Cunningham , such as Colonel Blackadder , had to be put off with a clear refusal , and a request to persuade Cunningham to withdraw , while at the same time every effort had to be made to engage all those gentlemen who had not committed themselves to a candidate to rally to Kirkton .
20 The two subjects in the eight-month restriction study who had already limited themselves to 6 hours did not benefit from the regime , and reverted to their own established norms .
21 " Moustachio , " the US intelligence agent who had already visited him in February , returned.He met the Shah in the palace in Rabat and told him of all the dangers that the US systems would pose for him-lawsuits to find his money , congressional subpoenas and demonstrations .
22 The radical faction , however , was somewhat strengthened by the enhanced position of Khomeini 's son , Ahmad Khomeini , who had already established himself within the Iranian political scene [ see p. 36630 ] , and who after his father 's death was able to claim that his views and pronouncements carried the authority of the late leader .
23 There was a widespread feeling in 1951 that at any moment the Chinese , who had already identified themselves in US eyes as aggressors in Korea , might extend their intervention to Vietnam .
24 Rauti replaced the much younger Gianfranco Fini who had narrowly defeated him for the post in December 1987 [ see p. 35989 ] .
25 It was he after all who had led her to arrest Taczek , he who had indirectly led her into the chief superintendent 's office that morning to have her face sprayed with warm saliva .
26 The fenland winds blew through a town ‘ very fertile in alleys , and mud , and cats , and dogs … ’ but almost devoid of the friends who had increasingly sustained him at Christ 's Hospital .
27 It seemed to me at the time that the teachers of science at school , who had certainly shown themselves to be opposed to me were , if not actually off their trolleys , a trifle on the demented side and undoubtedly strangers to coolness .
28 Kylie , by now Neighbours most popular character , teamed up with her younger sister who had now established herself as a star on a TV series Young Talent Time .
29 By the end of the evening I had come to feel sorry for the waiters who had so debased themselves by their participation in the comedy ; not because they were cheating the state , but because they never responded to anyone except as an object , a part of the system in which they were trapped .
30 Emily always repeated this warning , although she was the only one who had ever cut herself on the bacon-slicer .
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