Example sentences of "who had [verb] [prep] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Former BNP members who had split from the party in July 1988 ( see p. 36558 ) formed the Bangladesh Democratic Party in July 1989 .
2 Unlike the kings of Israel who had aspired to the title of ‘ Son of Yahweh , Jesus displayed utter trust in his heavenly Father though the outlook was black as night ; utter obedience to his Father , even though it would take him to a cross ; and utter readiness to suffer — in bloody sweat there and then , and the blood , sweat and hell of crucifixion thereafter .
3 One in particular caught his attention : a blonde couple by the name of Jensen , Norwegians , who had sailed to the island on their 16 — foot boat along with their young son , Axel .
4 Sergeant-Major Céar Méléra , a tough adventurer , who had sailed around the world in peacetime and who appeared little affected by the horrors of war , describes his experience of Verdun shell-fire initially with an unemotional economy of words : ‘ Filthy night , shells . ’
5 Although , as an exercise against Republican democracy , the military rising of 18 July 1936 had had the backing of all who had sympathized with the Nationalist cause , there were many who felt that the result of the war — a military dictatorship — was not what they had intended .
6 The two men , who had escaped from a coach taking them to the magistrates ' court in Reading , were taken to hospital to have their broken arms set in plaster .
7 The experiences of some of the Second World ( communist ) countries , those who had escaped from the grip of global capitalism , particularly the Soviet Union and then China , seemed to lend support to the argument .
8 Suddenly Hari thought of the man who had escaped from the prison , he was the same sort as Emily Grenfell , no doubt before he fell from grace they would have met and socialized .
9 Of the hundreds of prisoners who had escaped from the orphanage there were still a number hidden in the surrounding countryside , but I did not know where .
10 Chief amongst them was Roger Mortimer of Wigmore , who had escaped from the Tower while under sentence of death .
11 There was Abdullah Ali , a businessman in exile , who was known to Rashid , and who had eaten in a restaurant in London with men he believed to be his friends , who had died in St Stephen 's Hospital of a rat poison that had been sprinkled on his food during a moment of inattention .
12 Jonathan Swift , despite his attitude toward Stephen Duck , had already taken an interest in Constantia Grierson who had trained as a midwife .
13 Sarah was the daughter of my mother 's eldest sister , Janet , who had trained as a doctor and was married to a psychoanalyst .
14 Three years later the Methodist minister , F. J. Jobson , who had trained as an architect , published a practical guide with the blessing of the Wesleyan Connexional authorities .
15 Dame Caroline Haslett was a remarkable woman who had trained as an engineer and was founder-director of the Electrical Association for Women .
16 During 1965 , Crawford met former dancer Gabrielle Lewis , who had trained as an actress at drama school and appeared in a few stage plays .
17 He was saved from sinking even lower by the balm of a journey he made in an open cart to Zweeloo with his landlord , who had to go to the market in Assen .
18 In July the authorities arrested two leading opponents of the government , Charles Rubia and Kenneth Matiba , who had called for a referendum on the future of one-party rule ; in subsequent protest riots 20 people died [ see p. 37603 ] .
19 The chair of the Campaign for Democracy , Beko Ransome-Kuti , who had called for a campaign of civil disobedience in the New Year if Babangida did not leave office , was arrested on Dec. 31 and detained for a number of days .
20 Jamia Millia Islamia University in Delhi remained closed from the beginning of May following the issuing of a " death sentence " by Moslem fundamentalist students against the pro-Vice-Chancellor , Professor Mushirul Hasan , who had called for the lifting of the ban , in force since October 1988 on the grounds of blasphemy , on the Indian-born British novelist Salman Rushdie 's novel The Satanic Verses [ see p 36450 ] .
21 It was at one of these that the Empress was provoked into a comment at the expense of her husband 's current favourite , the Countess of Castiglione , who had appeared at the ball dressed as the Queen of Hearts .
22 Panic set in — a teenage boy who had appeared in a film for US TV had been murdered just a couple of months before .
23 The accent was good enough to fool Canadian-born Bernard Braden , who had appeared in The War Lover but had not met Crawford during the filming , into thinking he really was American .
24 Gilchrist , who had appeared in the dock casually dressed in jeans and a striped open necked shirt , will appear at Evesham court again next Wednesday .
25 Van Gelder broke off to accept a sheet of paper from a seaman who had appeared in the doorway , glanced briefly at the message and handed it without a word to Talbot , who read it in turn , muttered something inaudible and swung his legs to the deck .
26 I did n't realize Farouk … ’ she trailed off when she saw Graham and Laidlaw both look past her , their eyes riveted on the man who had appeared in the doorway .
27 a legendary monster said to have been born to a wealthy lady who had referred to a beggar 's child as a nasty pig .
28 The news came as a crushing blow to the cast and production team on the £10million set in Spain who had hoped for a reprieve after a recent upturn in viewing figures .
29 The news came as a crushing blow to the cast and production team on the £10million set in Spain who had hoped for a reprieve after a recent upturn in viewing figures .
30 More significantly the direction of change was viewed suspiciously by young intellectuals who had hoped for the realisation of the ‘ fifth modernisation ’ .
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