Example sentences of "who was [v-ing] a [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 England 's one fitness doubt tomorrow concerns Phillip DeFreitas , who was resting a sore elbow yesterday , but otherwise their major problem is whether to play both their spinners .
2 Sir William , who was expressing a personal view because of internal differences over the reorganisation , said that to split the NCC into three would remove a strategic overview in formulating national policies .
3 A boss who was expecting a quiet birthday with his family at home was taken completely by surprise when his highly desirable secretary invited him back to her home for a drink after work .
4 ‘ Why do n't the kids all phoo off ? ’ a scrawny , shaven-skulled youth who was lacking a little finger , remarked at the ceiling .
5 Wiser than Jenny , who was chasing a romantic will-o'-the-wisp and who would end up with more heartache .
6 They left the house by the same route by which they had entered , though had not gone far when her escort stopped to exchange a few words with an odd-job man who was undertaking a minor repair near some outbuildings .
7 He was a bulky young man , who was wearing a black coat and a white shirt ; the comparison with a panda was unkind but accurate .
8 The man , who was wearing a black balaclava tried to pull the boy to the ground , but he managed to struggle free .
9 In a more sober account , Cendrars ’ first wife Félicie remembers seeing Modi , poor and preoccupied , escorting Jeanne , who was wearing a white shawl which served as a cloak to hide her figure , across the Avenue de la Gare .
10 The Sherman brothers looked up to see the governor and their father talking to an old Annamese with a long gray goatee , who was wearing a black-winged Ming dynasty mandarin 's bonnet and a long embroidered gown of brilliant sea-green silk .
11 They also want to speak to an elderly man who was wearing a brown jacket and was refused entry to the bank because he arrived just as the robber had left .
12 The switchboard on the ground floor of the Questura was manned by a chubby youth who was holding a large roll , turning it from one side to the other and studying it closely like a wrestler looking for a hold .
13 As he watched , a supervisor carrying a big black bag began to move along the line of checkouts followed by a young assistant who was holding a large plastic container with a flap in the front like a letter box .
14 The devil likewise found work for idle hands while the entire staff of Harvard Securities were gathered to gawp at Leslie Grantham , alias " Dirty Den " the pub owner in the TV soap opera Eastenders , who was accepting a large cheque on behalf of the Spastics Society .
15 The phone rang , and she was grateful for the intrusion , leaving Michael deep in conversation with his travel-operator friend from New York who was organizing a big conference reservation .
16 He kept a close watch on friends he had left behind in Middleton , especially Dave Fielding who was enjoying a fair degree of success with The Chameleons .
17 When Halesowen began to show their attacking prowess there was plenty of action from Mervyn Cawston , the former Southend keeper , called upon to deputise for Kevin Foster , who was nursing a broken finger .
18 25-year-old Michael Johnson , who was serving a seven-year sentence for possession of firearms , robbery , burglary and theft at nearby Bullingdon Prison , was returning there from Reading Magistrates Court .
19 The story begins at Everest base camp , with Steve Berry of Himalayan Kingdoms who was leading a trekking party into the area .
20 Her colleagues included a Roman Catholic principal of a teacher 's college , an Anglican and a man who was starting a united mission teacher 's college and had written several books on teacher training .
21 One young man , who was attending a large machine which was railed off as a safety precaution , warned Humphrey of the dangers of moving machinery .
22 A physical science student showed a nice awareness of the science/arts hierarchy when , talking about her brother who was doing a Fine Art degree , she said
23 Connor whistled to Barker , who was investigating a nearby lamp-post , and walked on .
24 He looked across the table at Meryl , who was giving a good impression of hanging on to every word Lee said .
25 Nicholson , who was spending a good deal of his time in the new BBS offices , which he hoped would be the starting point of his own aspirations towards directing , chipped in with the observation that his biker pictures had all grossed respectable money and made very handsome profits from a low outlay .
26 ‘ Oh aye , ’ said one of the aunts , who was scrutinising a dicky-looking mussel , as if it were a suspicious traveller and she an immigration officer .
27 She did not notice the raggedly dressed , exhausted-looking woman who was carrying a heavy basket across the road towards her , until she heard the bitterly articulated :
28 An old wino had stopped a young man in his late teens who was carrying a huge sack of groceries .
29 Henceforth , as a result of the Prince 's action at Strasbourg , this cosy doctrine was threatened by a recrudescence of popular Bonapartism in which the key figure was not the dead Napoleon but the living Louis-Napoleon , who was offering a political alternative to the existing system .
30 After The Tyger 's Whelp put in at the harbour at Liamuiga , also known as Everhope , the winter after the Battle of Sloop 's Bight , the letter from the King in England to Kit was delivered to him on the verandah of the Great House at Belmont , by the captain , one Rowland Grasscocke , who was plying a regular trade between England , the West Coast of Africa and the Hesperidean chain .
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