Example sentences of "who was [vb pp] [art] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 When the book was nearing publication , a scientist who was sent an advance copy to review for Nature magazine was appalled to find it full of errors , with misplaced and erroneously labeled photographs and diagrams .
2 ‘ That girl who was killed the other night , they 've been checking the area . ’
3 Wellington looked to an aide who was seated a few places down the table .
4 You might as well expect the rivers to run backward as that any man who was born a free man should be contented penned up and denied liberty to go where he pleases …
5 The new rules came in after Treasury solicitors agreed to settle the case of a German law student who was granted a judicial review of the Government 's refusal to reimburse EC students ' tuition fees .
6 This chore fell , more often than not , upon his area whip , the unlucky ‘ Worthy ’ Evans , who was owed a tidy sum .
7 A MAN of 35 who was given a new liver in the world 's first baboon-to-human transplant has died 71 days after the historic op in Pittsburgh , USA .
8 A hospital spokeswoman said it was very pleased with the progress made by Philip O'Rourke , from Donegal Town , who was given a new kidney in an operation on Tuesday night .
9 Mr Prescott , who was given a rousing reception after his election to Labour 's national executive earlier this week , condemned Paul Channon , the former Secretary of State for Transport , for refusing to accept that government policies had played a part in the series of transport disasters that had occured over the last two years .
10 Television presenter Anne Diamond , who was given a special award by the Communicator of the Year committee for her work in highlighting the issue of cot deaths , appeared in a video screened at Torquay .
11 Inflammation was graded according to Matt 's criteria by one of the authors , who was given no clinical information .
12 Most important was the inclusion of U Tin Tut , no longer in the ICS , who was given the vital Finance ministry .
13 She was an untrained actress who was given an enormous task of carrying so many episodes in the early days . ’
14 The leader of the opposition National Democratic Party of Georgia ( NDPG ) , Georgi Chanturia , was arrested at Tbilisi airport as he tried to leave for Moscow on Sept. 16 , together with his wife Irina Sarishvili and another NDPG leader Vakhtang Talakhadze ( who was released the following day ) .
15 The most striking example of an ( unsuccessful ) attempt at bribery was described by an officer who was offered a free choice of goods from a manufacturer 's showroom if he would pour away a formal sample he had just taken ( see s. iii , ch. 6 ) .
16 If a person who was occupied a considerable time in a search gave an additional fee to the parish clerk , saying , ‘ I wish to make you some compensation for your time , ’ that would be a voluntary payment .
17 If a person who was occupied a considerable time in a search gave an additional fee to the parish clerk , saying , ‘ I wish to make you some compensation for your time , ’ that would be a voluntary payment .
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