Example sentences of "who think [that] [art] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Yes , Comrade Fay is permanently indignant about the insidious threats of the socalled right-wing to the so-called left-wing about white people who do n't like the un-white people who listen to Tracy Chapperson ; about the legit community police forces like the Guardian Angels and generally about anyone who was n't in ‘ The Commitments ’ or anyone who thinks that the political line in Christy Moore records is puke .
2 During the debate , a member who thinks that the original motion could be improved is at liberty to move an amendment , provided that he has not previously spoken to the motion .
3 There were always some in the State Department who thought the policy might be pushed a little further : who thought that a unified Germany might become a big partner for America in the same way as is ( say some ) Japan .
4 Some rather nice experiments were carried out , perhaps in the Forties and Fifties , by Uray and Miller , who thought that the early atmosphere mainly contained methane , water and ammonia , mainly hydrogenated species which were thermodynamically stable , and they thought that perhaps if one put a discharge or if volcanic processes could actually inject energy into such a system and form the more complicated and more energetic molecules required for biology to actually get started .
5 Of course , in making my selection I am almost certainly falling into the same trap as those nineteenth-century scientists who thought that the anomalous orbit of Mercury was interesting but , in essence , a matter of little concern .
6 It was recognized in the Carolingian period by the author of the Life of Wulfram of Sens , who thought that the Frisian leader Radbod preferred to be with his ancestors in hell rather than alone in heaven .
7 The latter ‘ shared care ’ group included 15 patients who thought that the main decisions concerning their diabetes were made in general practice .
8 And so there are still to be found Latinists who think that the hilarious mistranslations in his Homage to Sextus Propertius ( 1919 ) were inadvertent rather than mischievously deliberate .
9 Some of the biggest mistakes are made by people who think that the only horse worth buying is one of at least 16.2hh ; it 's a kind of snobbery than can often misfire .
10 May I suggest that he directs that advice to those who think that the right way forward is a £500 roadside snack at the Savoy to raise party funds ?
11 Those who think that the Labour party has become a safe party — a party that it would be safe to elect because it has learnt all its lessons — should not forget that it is a pretty wild dream to imagine that the Labour party would get a majority in the House .
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