Example sentences of "who will [verb] it [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Er who 'll get it on the News tonight with a wee bit of luck .
2 There are women who will do it for a glass of champagne !
3 For the soul does not easily yield to those who will steal it for the purposes of evil …
4 ( i ) Petition and a copy ( and an additional copy for the supervisor of a voluntary arrangement unless he is the petitioner ) and a further copy for the petitioner or his solicitor ; ( ii ) affidavit verifying the petition with a copy of the petition exhibited ( see section 9 below ) ; ( iii ) receipt for deposit of £240 paid to the official receiver ( Insolvency Fees ( Amendment ) Order 1990 ) -this sum can be paid to the court who will remit it to the official receiver ; ( iv ) affidavit of service of statutory demand ( if applicable ) ; ( v ) court fee : £45 .
5 If the proposals of early 1858 reached the statute book , " The whole of Russia will turn into nothing more than a military colony ( obratitsia v odno voennoe poselenie ) , and who will save it from the new Arakcheev who is emerging in the person of Iakov Ivanovich Rostovtsev ? "
6 The end result is an extremely well-written , amusing narrative which I commend to everyone fortunate enough to have known the Club and particularly to those who will know it in the future .
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