Example sentences of "who do [adv] [verb] [noun] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Cary Cooper , professor of psychology at Manchester University 's Institute of Science and Technology , who analysed the results , said : ‘ Kids who watch video games a lot actually use that behaviour or transpose that behaviour in other social situations — maybe not grossly but they certainly show much more aggressive behaviour than the kids who do n't watch video games .
2 PEOPLE who do n't pay poll tax in Darlington could soon face prison sentences as problems with delayed payments mount .
3 Registers will roll until elections are announced and then when elections are announced it will be the closing date for that particular election and polling cards will immediately be issued with massive publicity around them so that people who do n't get polling cards , discover that they 're not on registers and will still have time because they 've qualified by the qualifying date to get themselves entered onto registers within a week of the election taking place .
4 We make sure and many of our tenants , of course , are in receipt of housing benefit , those on the lowest incomes , and for them housing benefit will meet most , if not all , of the increase , but there are many tenants who do n't get housing benefit who will have to pay the increase themselves .
5 The people in key positions are people who do n't consider pop culture to have any serious importance whatsoever . ’
6 I think it 's people who do n't like trad jazz Lynda .
7 Yeah I mean , they 're upgrading all of the machines at work but what they 're doing is instead of throwing them out , those who do n't use P Cs that often are being given the slower machines and those that as part of their job function , they need something much faster have been given the the newer machines .
8 Paul gets deeply drunk at a New Year 's Eve party , where those friends who already have children get wheezily maudlin and dilate on the sheer cost of small kids versus the sheer joy of small kids ; while those who do n't have kids elbow him constantly , calling him a bit of a sharp-shooter , a devil , a sperm-bank , a prong , a peopler of nations and an irresponsible git .
9 Who do n't have swimming pools . ’
10 It 's picking up people who do n't have end date .
11 While people in Scotland are flattered that in Battersea they think of nothing else but the protection of the people of Scotland from excessive expenditure , I fancy that the people of Scotland are mature enough to elect or to refuse to re-elect Governments who do not conduct taxation affairs in the way in which they wish .
12 Employers who do not offer career breaks and childcare facilities may find themselves passed over in favour of employers who do .
13 Many thousands more who do not get income support receive some help towards their rent and/or community charge .
14 Those who do not take A levels in foreign languages or in science drop those subjects after — at most — five years of study .
15 The coastal resort of Skegness and Mablethorpe have long been famous for the seaside delights they offer and for many , who do not know East Lindsey well , these may be the only places here that they have heard of .
16 In this way people with mild or moderate dementia , who do not have behaviour problems , may be able to manage longer and even stay in such housing till they die .
17 The results are consistent with the presence of an abnormality in terminal ileal function in patients with cystic fibrosis who do not have liver disease and that a defect in the ileal absorption of bile acids may be a contributory factor to excessive faecal bile acid loss .
18 This item was introduced to encourage knitter who do not have colour changers to try out jacquard knitting but can be used to hold yarn when knitting simple stripes or any colour patterns where yarns are changed on one side of the work only .
19 There is what one calls a flush in the spring — that could upset those who do not understand dairy terminology — which always leads to a surplus .
20 There ca n't be many Link readers who do not recognise operations manager right , and mill manager centre , who have completed over 50 years service between them !
21 A conclusion that can be drawn from all these treatment studies is that when dealing with patients who do not require inpatient care , treatment by well-trained non-medical staff ( social workers and nurses in. particular ) is at least as effective as treatment given by psychiatrists .
22 One hopes that the Prime Minister 's political allies , particularly the lower profile ones who do not warrant police protection , are regularly checking the undersides of their cars .
23 These implications of the fiction/concession theory were neither compatible with the reality of free incorporation on compliance with some simple formalities nor congenial to academics who did not favour state intervention in corporate enterprise .
24 Ninety nine ( 86% ) patients referred to the ophthalmology clinic had advanced retinopathy confirmed , and those who did not receive laser photocoagulation underwent frequent continuing ophthalmic assessment .
25 Finally came men who did not own freehold land : husbandmen , servants in husbandry and the servants of artificers — anyone whose estate in goods and chattels did not exceed £10 .
26 PBL from the patient who did not produce toxoplasma antibodies did produce anti-HIV-1 antibodies , but at a much lower level than in other patients in this group ( HIV-1-specific ELISA index 1.85 ) .
27 Anyone who did not read Miss Post 's book before their first voyage had only themselves to blame for sartorial gaffes .
28 Of the 23 control subjects who did not use NSAIDs ulceration was present in five ( three gastric , two duodenal ) , five had erosions , and 14 had an endoscopically normal mucosa .
29 A Tory back-bencher , Andrew Bowden , praised Mr Lilley for his speedy clarification but asked Mr Major to consider the plight of almost one million pensioners who did not claim income support .
30 After finding that large numbers were addicted , researchers then gave a psychological test to two groups of children — some of those with the heaviest addiction and others who did not play computer games .
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