Example sentences of "who have [vb pp] from [noun sg] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 And then a rite of reconciliation for those who 've lapsed from church membership , or from the practice of their religion , and want to start again in a purposeful manner .
2 In 1932 he edited Escapers All , derived from a series of talks given by men who had escaped from prisoner-of-war camps .
3 The non-church-goers in the community proved hard to win , and those who had lapsed from church attendance some twenty years previously saw no need to reconsider at their time of life .
4 The members of the Commission on Social Justice , who had flown from south-east England in airline comfort yesterday morning and now were seated on hard chairs in the decrepit surroundings of the Salvation Army hall , nodded amiably .
5 Surgeons operated on a 22-year-old American male who had died from gunshot wounds .
6 Will the Minister give a commitment that the present adult education programme will be built upon and secured , or are the Government pulling the ladder away from thousands of our fellow citizens who have prospered from adult education in the past ?
7 Can I put it another way to you , that if houses are provided for people who have migrated from West Yorkshire to North Yorkshire , that the failure to provide for employment of an equivalent level , because I well appreciate we are not going to stop Mr Laycock driving or commute I beg your pardon commuting each day from Harrogate to Leeds , that failure failure to provide an adequate level of employment for those new residents would be contrary to the advice in P P G twelve and P P G 14 about reducing the need to travel ?
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