Example sentences of "who have be [verb] [verb] a " in BNC.

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1 ( 25 ) If someone who has been instructed to construct a building is prepared to give the money to the town for it to do so itself , since the testator wished this to be done by that person himself , his plea will not be heard : so ruled the late emperor Marcus in a rescript .
2 It is possible to see who has been asked to assess a DC using option 2.8.2 , View DC Assessors and view their assessments using option 2.8.3 , View DC Assessments .
3 This year 's Sixteenth Biennale Internationale des Antiquaires , to be held in the Grand Palais in Paris from 18 September to 4 October , will be more theatrical than ever thanks to Italian stage designer Pier Luigi Pizzi who has been hired to create a neo-classical Italianate mise en scène for participants to show off their wares .
4 I feel for the spider living in his strange world , this master craftsman who has been commissioned to beautify a small corner with his delicate work , and when the dew drops fall , for an instant , the world is made luminous and is transfigured .
5 After it was removed to make more space , it was given to the Earl of Harcourt who 'd been planning to build a gothic folly in the grounds of his Nuneham Courtney estate .
6 Here was a woman who had been trying to have a child ever since her marriage and yet she , Celia , had conceived not merely without any difficulty but on the one and only time she had not taken steps to prevent it .
7 Mr Clarke unknowingly stole the thunder of Douglas Hurd , the Home Secretary , who had been intending to make a veiled public appeal for more cash for the police services in the law and order debate .
8 Laughingly agreeing to help one of the little girls , who had been determined to dig a deep hole — ‘ all the way down to Australia ’ — she 'd peeled off her jade-green T-shirt and matching shorts , to reveal her brief bikini .
9 Sherman and Austin were two chimpanzees who had been trained to use a computer keyboard in which the keys carried lexigrams ( geometric patterns ) which related to items ( e.g. JUICE , SWEET POTATO ) or simple activities ( e.g. GIVE , GET , CHASE ) .
10 Sometimes other service-providers failed to understand the symptoms of dementia and therefore took inappropriate decisions on clients ' behalf ; for example , a social worker who had been asked to assess a client for residential care failed to realise that questions about the client 's own preferences would have to be phrased in such a way that the client could understand what was being proposed for her .
11 Everett , who had been ordered to take a rest at 98 trips , was testing aircraft at the Group Maintenance Unit when he heard that there was a spare aircraft going a-begging at his old squadron .
12 In their longitudinal study , they were surprised how many of the women who had been considered to have a supportive marital relationship when first interviewed became depressed after a later crisis .
13 So say F. Occhionero , P. santangelo and Vittorio , of the University of Rome , who have been inspired to make a new theoretical study of cosmological voids by the observational discovery of large regions of space devoid of galaxies ( New Scientist , vol
14 Teachers are professionals who have been trained to deliver a curriculum which develops the learning and skills of young people while recognising the wider context of the application of this learning .
15 Like my hon. Friend , I pay tribute to the efforts of Lord Carrington and others within the Community who have been endeavouring to obtain a ceasefire , and to the efforts made by Mr. Cyrus Vance .
16 Like some naughty child who 's been caught playing a prank she just kept her head low , staring at the floor .
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