Example sentences of "who be in the [det] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Be bec , the appalling thing is that they 're quite , they 're quite happy to spread this pain on those who are in the least position to burden it and they believe quite rightly and this , this is the I think , that exists between socialism and and and the Conservatism in that sense that whereas erm , you know opinion surveys bear out the fact that people are quite happy , those who can afford it to pay a little bit extra in terms of direct taxation for those service provisions , which are absolutely vital and these surveys have been conducted in public and they have been made quite er er open to the press , er , just before the last election particularly for the health authority and so forth .
2 Yes , it 's interesting you see , if you , if you can compare Freud with other writers who are in the same kind of area and league like .
3 Danielle is a very happy and contented baby and I am a very happy and contented full time working mum — and as far as I 'm concerned that 's the best recommendation I can give to those of you who are in the same boat as I was of dreading re-entering the working world !
4 Dennis Younger , chairman , said : ‘ Our aim is to provide a social platform so people can meet others who are in the same boat .
5 I hope that the BBC will make more effort in the future to bring more coverage of major tennis events , for example Grand Slams like the French Open , on the scale of coverage they had for Wimbledon because I am sure that there are many people who are in the same situation as me and would like more tennis on TV .
6 Not only were nearly three-fifths of the people here unable to scrape together sufficient personal property to reach the tax threshold of £2 , but none got the alternative of 20s. wages in the year , as did many in the Midland and southern counties who were in the same position .
7 And she too has a ‘ sporting background ’ in that she is one of about 500 people at the last count who were in the same class in the Primate Dixon PS in Coalisland as snooker superstar Denis Taylor !
8 I suppose what it really amounts to , it 's probably someone who 's in the same line of business and they 're trying to get the best way are n't they ?
9 If you can find someone like yourself who is in the same position then this can be an ideal arrangement .
10 Matthew has settled well into school and has a Christian friend who is in the same group in class .
11 Damjanovic 's wife , who was in the same car , is charged with harbouring the two and possession of stolen goods .
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