Example sentences of "who [was/were] [adv] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 So people who were generally in the big box knew about it ?
2 The few managers of nursing who were around in the late 1960s , early 1970s will not wish to relive those experiences and yet unless alternative solutions are found quickly , the problem which prevailed then will soon be upon us again .
3 The Roman Church had become very powerful and dismissed the Greeks as impious heretics who were not on the same level as the holy church of the West .
4 This committee would include opposition members and would work through subcommittees that might include members who were not on the full committee .
5 It was to include those who were not within the Labour movement .
6 Erm from there we went into this purpose built flat above a grocers shop , it was meant for the manager of the grocers shop , but he had better sense and so the flat became available for letting to the Borough Council who at the insistence of the owners of the house we were in , erm , were anxious to get their property back and so we found ourselves in a brand new flat , the first tenants , although this was not very highly to be recommended , you approached your flat up er stone staircase , er from the outside so you exposed to the elements er you then walked across the roof , flat roof over the shops until you came to your flat door , erm , Islington at that time was just beginning the , to see the influx of immigrants from the colonies as they were in those days and er , they in turn created much heavier demand on what little vacant property there was , so that the district rapidly deteriorated and for many people who were not in the fortunate position that we were found it necessary or desirable to leave because they were sharing rooms or sharing houses with people whose ways of life were different from theirs and this is something I think that housing authorities learnt to appreciate over the years that the differences between people 's ways of life are one of the major causes of social distress .
7 Conversely , in the high-risk group , which included all subjects who were not in the low-risk group already defined ( Table 3 ) , the ACE/ID polymorphism was not related to myocardial infarction .
8 Now I had a pair who were not from the same parents and who seemed fairly suited .
9 Mannaia seem to have taken care to propose people who were indeed from the active lineages but who lived in Tazarbu , and were therefore not personally involved in the conflict with Awlad Amira : while insisting on the principle of unrelenting solidarity , they tacitly mitigated the provocation by proposing candidates who had themselves not been active in the dispute .
10 In 1985 in Washington DC I was responsible for the security co-ordination of eleven prime ministers and twenty other Conservative party leaders from around the world who were there for the International Democrat Union Party Leaders ' meeting .
11 His pride was shared by the rest of the family who were there in the front pews behind them — Hana , with little Jitka in her arms , Uncle Mick , who looked so much older all of a sudden , Carmella , who was much the same , but Joey had lost a lot of his old sunny quality and slumped sullenly in his place .
12 He succeeded in doing so , but confided afterwards that no single examiner thought me worthy of a first , but when the marks were added up , mine were within a few marks of those who were obviously in the first class , and so my name was added to the list of three others .
13 There were gruff mutterings of ‘ excellent story ’ or ‘ very good ’ from the two men , who were never in the same league and knew it .
14 The close identity between fans and their club has weakened as football has become big business and as the players , who were once from the same working-class community as the fans , have become rich superstars .
15 Last year of course they did superbly , they beat Southend who were then in the fourth division , and look what 's happened to them , they 've gone up to the third division .
16 He even tried sneaking back to the library at night , thinking the Bookman might appear after dark , but had to stop this when he backed into Mr Crangle , who was up to the same thing .
17 Rocastle was the only player who was up by the halfway line when we broke away , all too frequently and any long punt by the defence fell to the feet of Blackburn players .
18 No one who was around in the late 1960s can have avoided the flood of changes which swept through the dress , sexual codes , language , food styles , cinema , literature , music , and other generative aspects of the new counter-culture .
19 The first was a steady performer who was invariably among the top twenty money-winners at the end of each season .
20 Thus , the issue arose between redistributing work to the inexperienced solicitor or maintaining the experienced trial advocate , the ‘ Baron ’ , who was already in the dominant role .
21 And the importance of this work , colleagues , will become clearer later in this report , but at this point er , President , I would wish to place on record , although he 's now has to leave er , to catch his plane , the attribute to my friend and colleague , who was here during the earlier part of Congress , as an honoured guest .
22 Chauvel 's images are n't pretty , they are n't clean , they 're not Nachtwey ( who was also with the Black Star agency and is now in Magnum ) .
23 Dr Cunningham was Labour 's official spokesperson , but he had a deputy , MP Allan Roberts , who was also on the Front Bench .
24 It is believed that Jessamyn underwent extensive bio-engineering under the scalpel of Dr Simon Threadneedle , the disgraced GenTech surgeon who was also among the dead in the Dead Rat Incident .
25 Swales , who was twice over the drink-drive limit , zig-zagged his Capri around the half-barrier at 70mph — straight into the path of a train .
26 She felt almost sorry for Professor M. L. Vaughan , who was obviously in the same rank as her self-confident great-uncle , and differed from him on almost every point .
27 The threat was sufficient to alarm the king 's sister Adela , and she warned the king , who was now in the last stages of planning his final great attack on his brother 's duchy of Normandy .
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