Example sentences of "who [vb base] [vb pp] [noun sg] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The sources , who have seen Viking in action , say that the thing works , and may even perform ahead of expectations when it eventually sees the light of day .
2 Does the Secretary of State intend to thank those who have given service to Queen and country by making them not only jobless , but homeless ?
3 This is naturally most relevant in the case of employees whose skills have been overtaken by changing business patterns and the increasing use of new technology and who have fallen victim to redundancy or reorganisation plans .
4 But it is understood that most of the banks who have lent money to Bond have secured their loans against assets or have made provisions against ultimate default .
5 To date it has been the keepers of the government 's cheque books rather than those who conduct the nation 's health checks who have dictated policy over drinking water .
6 The desired religion therefore , must be acceptable , on the one hand to those who follow it because their belief is founded on logic-induced conviction , and on the other hand to those who come to believe , because tentative faith has been given them by others and who have reached conviction through experience .
7 Koriyama Museum 's collection will also include Japanese artists who have studied art in England and have been influenced by British art as well as local artists ' work .
8 As I was reviewing the material to be used here I had certain issues in my mind which concern the structure and meaning of the support given , based upon the ideas developed by anthropologists and sociologists who have studied kinship in Britain and elsewhere .
9 The authors , who have done field-work in Madagascar , apply the theories of Lévy-Bruhl : the pre-logical mentality persists in civilised man , but becomes available only to or through the poet .
10 There is no doubt that this is a proper way to acknowledge the fine achievements of sportsmen and women and others who have done work for charity .
11 improved value for money should be obtained by cutting down on unnecessary procedures , ( e.g. committals , remand hearings ) , strengthening controls on the progress of legally aided proceeding , changing listing practices , and restricting legal aid to solicitors who have demonstrated competence by membership of an appropriate panel ;
12 Those who have undergone measurement at T 1 may no longer be typical of the population in their reaction to X , the effect of which may be magnified or diminished .
13 Preference will be given to candidates who have achieved recognition for distinction in architectural design , and who have teaching experience in this field .
14 Iranians , and the Iraqis whom they protect , make huge claims : 500,000 Iraqi Shias slaughtered , and 800,000 hiding in the marshes of southern Iraq — in addition to those who have sought safety in Iran , or in the buffer zone along the Kuwaiti border .
15 The awards are made annually to choirs , choral , orchestral and concert societies who have shown enterprise in plans for including contemporary music in their programmes .
16 The survey will be carried out using a questionnaire in interviews with about a hundred MPs , chosen to represent the main grouping within parties , and ten Peers who have shown interest in welfare issues .
17 It appears that deaf people using BSL , sign in a more recognisably BSL way than do hearing people who have acquired BSL as children ; for those who have to learn BSL as adults ( like signer 2 ) their target seems to be a form of BSL greatly influenced by English .
18 They include the misguided , idealistic supporters of STOPP , who have eroded discipline in schools by describing a remedial stroke with a tawse or cane as a ‘ beating ’ or a ‘ thrashing ’ .
19 He had fulfilled , he had discharged his mission , he had preached the gospel he had seen men and women coming to Jesus Christ , he had seen the mi mi miracles happening he had baptized those who have put faith in Jesus , and now , you see , it 's not a one man show , there was , there was a leadersh , there was a team involved here .
20 There are some who have stolen from banks , there are some who have read poetry in Pushkin Square in Moscow .
21 Those who have taken part in nights of prayer can no doubt , all recall such times when the Holy Spirit has led people to pray in harmony , with intensity , with breadth , with perseverance and assurance .
22 Amongst the many who have paid tribute to Charlie are Sonic Youth , Anthrax , Neil Young , Throbbing Gristle and a host of guitarcore grungemeisters who have incorporated the Manson look into their image or current product .
23 MARINE Youth will be holding trials for youngsters between the ages of 15 and 17 , who have had experience at county level .
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