Example sentences of "who [vb base] [conj] [noun] [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 The girl or parents who worry because menstruation has not occurred by the sixteenth year are usually troubling themselves unduly ; the boy who troubles himself as to the length of his penis or the girl who worries about mammary development are also worrying unnecessarily as a rule .
2 Indeed , this latter aspect of femininity is emphasized by some recent writers on masculinity who protest that men do not have such a wonderful deal in the world , since the social pressures on them to contain rather than express their emotions are oppressive and restrictive , stunting their full emotional development .
3 As we shall see in the next chapter , there are those who believe that management have often adopted forms of work organisation which give rise to unsatisfying jobs because it is cheaper for them so to do .
4 This Gotteschalk , a precursor of Luther , even to renouncing his Vows , might be thought in his intransigent predestinarian vision to figure some of the later Evangelicals of our day , and Neighbour Pliable perhaps a satire upon those like myself , who believe that Christianity does not consist in the idolatrous presence of the Deity in a piece of bread , nor yet in the five points of metaphysic faith .
5 The explicit confirmation that the Commons really does not matter was the real constitutional crisis waiting to happen , vindication to all those Euro-sceptics who argue that Maastricht rides roughshod over parliamentary sovereignty .
6 Even scholars who think that Kantorowicz read too much meaning into this picture would agree that it represents the emperor as if he were Christ seated in majesty .
7 Members of the Aetherius Society — who think that Earth has long been visited by benevolent travellers from outer space — believe that Ben Macdhui houses an underground dome-shaped auditorium visited by aliens .
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