Example sentences of "who [vb base] [verb] in the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Those who want to believe in the existence of red mercury are unabashed .
2 ‘ The players have to take a heap of responsibility for what has happened at Celtic Park , ’ he said , ‘ but the squad is also made up of footballers who want to play in the manner Liam Brady has adopted as his philosophy on the game .
3 Third , an historical analysis also serves to illustrate how a narrow section of the press — the political or quality press — has had a continuing fascination with , and attraction to , the centres of legitimate political power and those who exercise it ; moreover , the relationship between the triumvirate of politicians , proprietors and editors — namely , those who exercise political power and those who seek to bask in the afterglow of the exercise of that power — was never fixed .
4 But for the many guests who lie basking in the sun , around the pool or on the Club 's beach , the most familiar view is the endless expanse of brilliant blue sky .
5 The first type is casual encounters along the beat , so that neighbourhood police pass friendly comments with whoever they happen to meet , such as people working in front gardens , the unemployed , customers in shops , old folks trying to cross busy roads , mothers with young children in push-chairs and prams , young children being especially appealing to the older family men who seem to predominate in the Neighbourhood Unit , only one of whom is not married .
6 And the spirit and courage of the men who continue to toil in the shadow of the gunman is one way of ensuring that will never happen .
7 Norfolk goes on to point out that people who go jogging in the city for half an hour can absorb the , equivalent of 10 to 20 cigarettes ' worth of carbon monoxide ( ‘ Jogging is completely unnecessary , ’ according to cardiologist George Sheenan , who wrote one of the early jogging handbooks , Running And Being .
8 Of course , it is also used by those terrorists who choose to reside in the republic .
9 A : Not at all ; it could be done even here — merely increase the supply of money until it becomes something of little value , as plentiful as grass : let it grow on every street corner , pour from the high street banks : see how little by little it is of less and less value : soon it is only stuff fit to engage the attention of those who love to indulge in the act of recycling : we will probably find that , pulped , bank notes are an excellent media for growing acorns into oaks .
10 Perhaps for many people who come to live in the town that is part of its attraction .
11 Not , at least , of the sort who 've emerged in the time since ‘ Raw Like Sushi ’ : singers like Lisa Stansfield , Betty Boo , Cathy Dennis , Kylie and Dannii — all of whom are peddling an ersatz glamour drawn from adolescent fantasies of sophistication , untouchable otherness , phoney celebrity .
12 Many soldiers can trace back 3 or 4 generations who 've served in the regiment .
13 That is why we have sought to respond to representations , and to continue to give people in Scotland who wish to serve in the parachute regiments the opportunity to do so .
14 Entrepreneurship is necessarily open to all who wish to deal in the market ; hence production , involving the purchase of resources and the sale of products , is necessarily competitive .
15 The latter model depicts the imposition by an all-powerful , coercive capitalist state of enforced retirement on older workers who wish to continue in the labour market until , as in the nineteenth century , they are too infirm .
16 We have instituted special on board training programmes for staff who wish to work in the restaurant or bars .
17 It prevents those who do neuter their pets from claiming that they are simply responsible citizens who wish to assist in the elimination of starving strays .
18 Partisans of these philosophies , in other words , as well as those who prefer to speak in the language of compassion or human responsibility or animal protection , share some of the same goals as animal rightists .
19 Those who prefer to stay in the centre could try Benedens ( 3235374 w ) , in the Waitzstrasse .
20 A third invitation to UK employees to participate in the Dawson International PLC Savings Related Share Option Scheme was made during the year and increased to 1,728 the number of employees who have participated in the Scheme .
21 Coleraine has produced a number of outstanding athletes who have participated in the Commonwealth Games and the World Student Games .
22 Coleraine has produced a number of outstanding athletes who have participated in the Commonwealth Games and the World Student Games .
23 It is disgraceful to our Public Works Department , most unhealthy to the wretched people , European and native , who have to live in the neighbourhood , and most offensive to all railway passengers .
24 The reports also go to the press along with a press release , to witnesses who have assisted in the inquiry and — especially important — to those with direct responsibility for further progress on a legislative proposal .
25 Certainly , but then De Gaulle was only the most recent of a line of French national leaders , going back at least as far as Joan of Arc , who have seen in the English , through most of the centuries , their main enemy , whereas of course we did n't come across Germany internationally at all until within the last ninety years .
26 In passages referring to the history of the dispute , Shamir noted : " We are the only people who have lived in the land of Israel without interruption for nearly 4,000 years …
27 For we are not here , in speaking Christologically , conceiving of Jesus as simply one human being among others who have lived in the past .
28 Anyway , so erm he said , but you know he was saying to them that er , it 's not just at the bottom end , he said , in our village in Wales we 've got the Sun have now positioned two reporters who have lived in the village the these the they sit in a car outside his house day and night
29 The Blancs , who have lived in the cottage seven years , spent a long time looking at many ranges before deciding on the white Miele kitchen with its terracotta trim .
30 The Reiksland shelters a large community of Dwarfs who have lived in the Empire for many generations .
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