Example sentences of "who [vb past] not [adv] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Beyond that he was a showman , a player in the tradition of Alex James , Charlie Tully , and Peter ‘ Ma Ba ’ McKenna , players who did not simply believe in beating defenders but in humiliating them .
2 As Philippe de Mézières wrote in the late fourteenth century , some may well have come from those members of the lower nobility who did not normally go to war except when summoned by the king , but who , in certain cases , were now being forced to take up arms as a business .
3 The lecture periods could be used for outside visitors , or for specific and relevant accounts by teachers who did not normally participate in the work ; examples were the playing of records of part of Haydn 's Creation with explanation and commentary , by a teacher made specially available , and a talk on Red Indian tribes by a visitor from a local museum , together with overhead transparencies , slides and objects from the museum collection .
4 A day of celebration and a day of tragedy , one superimposed upon the other , so that Amabel , who did not even wish to be rational , found it easy to believe that Ben Braithwaite had broken not only Linnet 's heart , but Gemma 's .
5 And some who did not even know of the movie 's existence , who were not even born when it was made , are dead too , or mutilated , or orphaned …
6 In 1701 – 2 , the Whig mayor of the small corporation of Wilton , Wiltshire , created nineteen new burgesses , all of whom were Dissenters who did not even qualify under the terms of the Corporation Act , with the result that in 1702 he was able to reverse the defeat suffered by the Whigs in the election of the previous year .
7 Furthermore , the figure stated for ‘ no ’ , probably also includes a number of those who wanted restrictions placed on the traditional model of sole practice ( and therefore answered ‘ no ’ to question 1 ) but who did not necessarily agree with the particular restriction proposed in question 2 .
8 Existing members New members Governing coalition Christian Democratic Union ( CDU ) 185 63 Christian Social Union ( CSU ) 49 German Social Union ( DSU ) — 8 Free Democratic Party ( FDP ) 48 9 Opposition Social Democratic Party ( SPD ) 193 33 Greens/Alliance 90 42 7 Party of Democratic Socialism ( PDS ) — 24 Other* 2 0 * Former Green members who did not now belong to any group .
9 Ivy , who did not much care for books about ‘ Abroad ’ — though if you sent her one she would say politely that it would be ‘ a companion ’ — was pleased to have a novel set in England and in the past .
10 As is well known , Dick Crossman , who did not always conform to the rules , had maintained a most complete — if not invariably accurate — account of the Cabinet meetings that he attended and the discussions with his colleagues .
11 I suspected that Gillian was getting rid of Wyatt as a way of breaking with her father ( who did n't even come to the wedding , incidentally ) and pointing out to her Mum what she ought to have done years before .
12 She was also aware of Angel , the Brit-hater , who had n't once eaten at the same table as her since she arrived , who was now riding harder and turning faster than any of the others , urging his pony on with great pelvic thrusts .
13 Michael Howard , then a Minister at the Department of the Environment , reported an opinion poll as having found that one-quarter of people who had not previously voted in local elections intended to vote in future as a result of the community charge ( interview on This Week , Next Week , 21 February 1988 ) .
14 The house was full of trend-spotters , from gossip columnist Ivan Warner and irritable feminist Kate Armstrong to Treasury adviser Philip , worried about pension projections in an increasingly elderly society : from information vendor Charles Headleand to epidemiologist Ted Stennett , across whose horizon the science-fiction disease of AIDS was already casting a faint red ominous glow : from forensic psychiatrist Edgar Lintot ( who had not yet heard of AIDS , but who had heard rumours about changing views in high places on the sentencing of the criminally insane ) to Alix Bowen , worried on a mundane level about the future funding of her own job and on a less selfish level about the implications for the rehabilitation of female offenders of cuts in that funding : from theatre director Alison Peacock , anxious about her Arts Council subsidy , to Representative Public Figure , Sir Anthony Bland , the aptly named Chairman ( or so Ivan alleged ) of the Royal Commission on Royal Commissions , who was thinking that for various reasons he might have to resign , and from more bodies than one , before the jostling and the hinting pushed him into an undignified retreat .
15 She was wholly relieved that he had gone , for his absence enabled her safely to join her friends , to receive their questions and their anecdotes , and to hear of the brazen , wonderful audacity of Janice , who had not yet returned to the fold , and who had been seen leading , yes , leading her captive from the floor , in search of fresher air and darker night .
16 It was the worst raid so far but Maureen who had not yet returned to driving was with her mother in the shelter and Anne , who finished work at ten o'clock , had reached home , dodging from shelter to shelter .
17 Anne may have been financially dependent on Joshua , who had not yet settled in his career and was never wealthy .
18 ‘ Twinky ’ , however , without question the fairest and most sporting player ever to don an Athletico shirt , was full of remorse and insisted that the referee , who had not even blown for a foul , send him off .
19 Come the following night , I was sitting at home with Caroline ( Nigel 's daughter by his first marriage , the wife of the ‘ moving ’ John , who had not long returned to Denmark ) .
20 In all of this there existed an air of the cottage industry , with an informality that , consciously or not , took its measure from the example of its chairman , who continued to live and work — now with the added impedimenta of potties and baby-gates — on a houseboat on the Regents Canal ; who drove a second-hand Volvo ; and who had not long come into possession of a washing-machine .
21 The council was formed in 1979 under strong leadership guidance ( the only member who had not recently moved into the area , although a home-owner ) .
22 ‘ For Ludlow ! ’ repeated Joan who had not before heard of that place .
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