Example sentences of "who [vb past] [pron] [noun sg] from [art] " in BNC.

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1 Vander Zalm , a Dutch immigrant who made his fortune from a garden nursery business in Vancouver and who had held the premiership since 1986 [ see p. 37940 ] , was one of the country 's most colourful politicians .
2 Their origins stem from France where old Mr Fauchon years ago told me his forebears were Huguenots , who fled their country from a small place bearing the family name of Fauchonville .
3 Meanwhile he attracted the attention of bishop Aeonius of Arles , who negotiated his release from the community of LĂ©rins , and ordained him .
4 Not surprisingly , Ali is chosen by most boxers as the most proto typical figure , though Bunny Johnson cites Jack Johnson and many of the newer recruits to boxing look to Sugar Ray Leonard , the quick-fisted American multiple world champion who blazed his way from an Olympic gold medal at Montreal in 1976 to an estimated 30 million dollars by the end of 1981 .
5 Ian Adamson , one of the keenest Protestant Gaelic speakers , who inherited his interest from a Gaelic-speaking great-grandmother from western Scotland , claims that in the 19th century , when Catholics were turning from Gaelic to English , Protestants helped to keep the language alive .
6 The Maronites , who took their name from a fifth-century Syrian hermit , had emerged from the great division in the Byzantine Church over the single divine will of Christ .
7 Later the de Sewardby family , who took their name from the village , owned the estate .
8 In the course of time the Mercian kingdom also came to embrace much of the territory , for example , of the Wocensaete or Wreocensaete , who took their name from the Wrekin and dominated the north Shropshire plain , and it would probably be the case , if charter-material had survived for this area of north-west Mercia analogous to that which has survived for the Hwicce , that kings of the Wreocensaete emerged in varying degrees of dependence on or subjection to the Mercian ruler .
9 Matters had not been helped by the murder of the Earl of Moray at Linlithgow by a member of the rival Hamilton family , who aimed his musket from an upper window behind a line of washing .
10 Those who earned their living from the game in tournament play were few and far between .
11 The people who held their land from the lord of the manor ( the tenants ) were , in the main , peasant farmers producing enough food to sustain their family and to provide a produce rent for their land .
12 But authority was vested in the nobility , who held their power from the emperor .
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