Example sentences of "who [verb] look [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 But while there are plenty of people who want to look at the car , what sort of person would actualy want to buy it ?
2 I asked the mechanic , Ian , who 'd looked after the David and Elizabeth King , if he 'd regret seeing her go ?
3 Sure , there are some A&R departments who seem to look at the money making potential first and last , and others with more artistic temperaments .
4 The first interrogator was not the officer who had looked in the day before but a wizened little old man who seemed half afraid of me .
5 This was also the case with the housekeeper , Elizabeth Hinson , who had looked after the Vicarage and who died in a nursing home about a year before these lines were written .
6 Not far behind them sat David Thomas and his wife , a jeweller who had looked after the Spencer family for years and sold Diana several pieces : but he was still ‘ just a humble jeweller ’ , and was expecting to be tucked away behind a pillar at the back .
7 Those of us who have looked at the development of treatments for decaying stone during the past twenty years have had to learn the lesson that there are no ‘ magic ’ solutions .
8 Other names who have looked at the centre but are still undecided about taking space in the scheme include : Holland & Barrett , Next , Phone-in , Northern Electric , Superdrug , Foster Menswear , Adams , Rage Footwear , Northern Goldsmiths and Options .
9 Historians who have looked at the impact of the Origin of Species have thus been encouraged to assume that Darwin 's introduction of the selection mechanism represented the decisive factor in the conversion of the scientific community to evolutionism .
10 It is based at least in part on a historical view that the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki may have been militarily unnecessary — a view which is strongly contested by some but by no means all historians who have looked at the matter .
11 Most people who have looked at the matter have concluded that deterrence played at least some part in the process .
12 Wrong ‘ Banks and industrialists who have looked into the future know it does not work on present policies .
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