Example sentences of "who [verb] in [art] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Throughout the meeting he has been observing one student , possibly in his thirties , who sits in a long wheelchair with his legs straight , parallel with the floor .
2 The kind who sits in a little island in the middle of a highly polished marble floor , looking gorgeous and untouchable , but … ’
3 Something about the gondola itself which is , after all , only Venice made manifest in the craft of the shipwright metamorphoses almost everyone who travels in it ; especially everyone who sits in the posher seat , the one with its back to the gondolier .
4 A similar gender difference was apparent in the time spent helping someone who lived in a separate household ; here 32 per cent of women but only 22 per cent of men spent ten hours or more each week on care-giving ( Green , 1988 , p. 21 ) .
5 Frederick , a man of limited imagination who thought himself to be the very model of a modern enlightened despot and who had travelled in Poland in his younger years , believed that the Polish nobles and gentry were fools and madmen , deluded Catholic warmongers who lived in a perpetual fog of political weakness and drunken anarchy .
6 In an effort to remedy matters , Harriet decided to seek assistance from a tin miner 's family who lived in a small cottage a mile or so inland .
7 The call on Sanders elicited the information that the client in question had been a Herr Fedorov , who lived in a large house just north of the village .
8 Our builder suggested a lady whom he referred to as ‘ Barney ’ , who lived in a nearby village and had holiday cottages of her own .
9 At one point , one of the pupils renders ‘ … who lived in a pretty house with a large garden ’ as ‘ … who lived in a palace house with a little grandfather ’ .
10 She hesitated , remembering the large rambling house she 'd grown up in and the hours she had spent with Mrs Richards , their cook and housekeeper , who lived in a self-contained flat over the double garage .
11 When she was eight or nine years old , Myra had spent part of the summer holiday with her grandmother , who lived in a old schoolhouse in a small country village .
12 Old Granny Fordham , who lived in a lonely cottage on the Enderley estate , could n't afford luxuries like butter and eggs , and could n't easily get to the shops in the village , so it would be doing a real service to take Mrs. Grant 's gift to her .
13 But it was a time when the boy and his mother , who lived in a little cottage just outside the town , had to earn their living from growing their own vegetables and doing what they could to help other people in order to make a living .
14 He had three sons : James , a weaver , who lived in a little cottage without a chimney at Newton ; Jacob , a tailor of Brandwood who died young ; and Thomas , a labourer , who set up home in ‘ a poore pitifull hutt , built up to an old oake ’ at the side of Divlin Lane .
15 Pupils could select areas of a historical map , for example , and call up further screens of related data or sources — the census records of families who lived in a particular house , perhaps .
16 Martha was not the only child who lived in the highest settlement , but she was the only one who was ordered to school each day .
17 This view , named Nestorianism after Bishop Nestorius who lived in the fifth century , is still hinted at today .
18 The Buckinghamshire freeholders who lived in the immediate neighbourhood of the Tory local landowner , Sir John Verney , in fact also tended to poll in favour of the Whigs .
19 Harold was as well-mannered , she considered , as anyone in the University , including the stiff old Prebendary Porkadder , who lived in the next-door house with his housekeeper .
20 There was a peremptory sharpness to the knock which announced the presence of Mrs Bradshaw , a lady in her early sixties who lived in the next-door flat .
21 The war was unlikely to become much more than a dispute over frontier posts , in which success would depend to a considerable extent on winning the support of the Indians who lived in the wide area between the colonies .
22 A section of the hardboard wall was tugged aside , and Chrissie glimpsed the pale , unshaven features of the man who lived in the concealed room .
23 They were , after all , Soviet citizens , who lived in the Soviet Union , not Russia or Kirghizia as it used to be called .
24 It occurs to me , for example , that given that all we 've heard this afternoon about the fact that a new settlement and again I 'm playing devil 's advocate , that if it were possible to build onto an existing settlement the quality of life of those who lived in the new settlement might in fact be better than if they were , to put it crudely , finding themselves in the middle of a field .
25 Yolande was an attractive French girl , who lived in the up-market district .
26 They were concerned most , however , about one section of the mass audience and that was the hard-core army of regular adolescent film-goers who lived in the disorganized city centres , the so-called ‘ crowded section ’ .
27 Peter Ackroyd is all of the formidable pasticheur that he is praised for being , and Dyer 's tale , which affects to be that of someone who lived in the eighteenth century , and in which the element of imitation , present in writing of every kind , is more obtrusive than it is in the other tale , is the livelier of the two .
28 He is said to have instructed that a castle be built to impress and intimidate the wild Ui Meith who lived in the surrounding countryside . ’
29 My Mum was the only white person who lived in the whole house , a point not unnoticed by me since I often asked her how come she lived there with us when everyone else was black …
30 Even with evidence for the level of wealth in each building , this could imply that the village society was led by a single chief , who lived in the biggest house in the centre of the village , or that the village was run by a council of all the members of the village , who built a large central hall in which to hold their meetings .
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