Example sentences of "who [verb] [noun pl] [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It was begun by an illuminator working in the Anglo-French ‘ court ’ style of c.1300 , and was completed by associates who display features of the so-called ‘ East Anglian ’ style of the early fourteenth century .
2 He was an editor in Shell Mex house and a frequent visitor to Germany , who entertained members of the nazi party when they visited this country in the 1930s .
3 Hunt for mole who revealed plans of the Royal bedrooms
4 There are those who fear parallels between the Industrial Revolution and today in the way workers are treated as new technology is introduced .
5 Many hundreds of thousands of trade unionists were among those who became shareholders for the first time .
6 And we must not discount those who became converts to the new religion , whether on account of the superiority of its miracles — especially its apparently superior powers of healing — or of its doctrine or the example of those who taught it .
7 My hon. Friend identifies part of the problem which those who favour changes in the constitutional arrangements should address .
8 Those who sell dogs in the first place have a great deal to answer for when it comes to explaining why the human-dog relationship is so often a disastrous mismatch .
9 Word had quickly got round that at the Marne , in contrast to the generals of the Plaza-Toro breed , who led attacks from the various Chateaux of France , Pétain had moved up into the front line when the infantry quailed under the German shells .
10 But , with that unpredictability which makes biology such a fascinating science , it was some biochemists interested in nutrition who laid foundations for the next major advance in the treatment of cancer .
11 And the shopkeeper who supplies goods to a married woman without inquiry is not entitled to assume that she has her husband 's authority .
12 Members of an established company scheme at the time of the 1989 Budget , who remain in the same scheme — or who change schemes within the same group of associated employers — are not affected by the change .
13 He often struck me as the kind of wide boy one found in England right after the war , people who made deals of the spivvier sort and did n't care who went down as long as they went up .
14 During 1686 and 1687 , it was once again representatives of this English Protestant opinion who made overtures to the leading political champion of European Protestantism , the Dutch stadtholder William of Orange , for help in opposing the Catholic policies of James II .
15 He was the priest who visited patients at the private hospital on the hill .
16 Someone who buys goods having more than one common use or who wants goods for an abnormal purpose will not benefit from section 14(3) unless the seller was expressly informed of the particular purpose for which they were required .
17 Nobody has responded more positively to Newcastle United 's desperate plight than the striker who drew blanks on the big stage with West Ham and huffed-and-puffed little more than powder puff stuff at Leicester .
18 As is often the case in matters of corporate governance , the lead is likely to be taken by the chairmen of companies in which standards of governance are already high , rather than by those who head companies with the greatest scope for strengthening their public accountability .
19 There were 243 new reports of infection in people who inject drugs in the twelve months to 30 June 1992 , bringing the cumulative total to 2,449 .
20 Qualified insolvency practitioners are those who hold licences from the various authorised professional bodies ( such as those governing chartered accountants and certified accountants , The Law Society or the Insolvency Practitioners Association ) or from the Department of Trade .
21 In several fables the kelpie appears as a handsome young prince , who lures maidens to a watery fate worse than death .
22 For customers who receive credits on a daily basis , or who are physically remote from their Midland account holding branch or DSC , the Head Office Collection Account provides a fast , secure and simple method of receiving credits .
23 ( Diastema being a gap between the two front teeth of at least two millimetres ) ; The Association of Aardvark Aficionados ; and Sarcastics Anonymous — devoted to individuals who alienate others through the inappropriate use of sarcastic remarks .
24 People who committed crimes in the past 10 years while on bail would have to provide good reasons why they should be released .
25 Britain has not yet received any formal demand for the extradition of the demonstrators who threw bricks at the Iranian embassy in London and smashed windows .
26 A fact and figure analyser , who approaches issues in a theoretical and intellectual way .
27 There have been instances over the years of a child who shows signs of an advanced ability in a particular direction .
28 Students who obtain passes in the first year subjects but do not intend to complete the HND may apply for the award of the HNC .
29 The versatile Scot , who joined Rovers on a free from Motherwell in the 70s , is a perfect example of footballing life beyond 30 .
30 The twentieth century has its own Christian martyrs : St Maximilian Kolbe , who exchanged places with a condemned Jew in the concentration camp and was starved along with his fellow prisoners , before being fatally injected with carbolic acid ; Dietrich Bonhoeffer , a minister of the Confessing Church of Germany , who was executed by the Nazis ; and Archbishop Romero , gunned down when he was at a prayer meeting .
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