Example sentences of "who [verb] [prep] [art] [noun] [num ord] " in BNC.

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1 Among his young parishioners was Whittington 's famous son , William Sturgeon , the physicist who lived in the cottage next to the Rectory and befriended the Horton family .
2 It was my friend Nellie who lived in the yard next to ours .
3 The double-sided nature of the sixteen-year-old boy who arrived in the History Eighth at St. Paul 's among a group of conventionally well-educated youths two years his senior — who seemed to him grimly earnest and thinking only of work and success and speaking in more re fined voices than he was used to — is clearly shown by Thomas 's two attempts at writing fiction , The Happy-Go-Lucky Morgans ( 1913 ) dedicated to ‘ My Father and my Mother ’ with its epigraph from Hardy , ‘ But now — O never again ’ , and an unpublished work of ‘ Fiction ’ ( his title ) which he abandoned in the early summer of 1914 .
4 The most crucial evidence of the day came from Mr Loxton , who worked as a butcher next door to the Oliver 's shop .
5 Fernando Collor of Brazil , who went off the rails last month by ordering a doomed price freeze , still proclaims himself a free-marketeer .
6 More timid children who are just watching can be encouraged to remember who went into the tunnel first and watch for them coming out again .
7 Who went into the flat first ?
8 Although it works off a car 's own battery , all Nightsticks also incorporate an internal power supply to foil thieves who go for the wiring first .
9 Apart from having a detective , who lodged in the room next door at Trinity , he lived like everyone else — except that yet again his course was interrupted .
10 TV aerials : one of the drama groups did a sketch about James Logie Baird who invented the television , and the man who lodged in the room next door to him kept on seeing pictures flashing on his wall and they dragged him off to the lunatic asylum 'cos they thought he was seeing things , hallucinating .
11 Who won with the football last night Liverpool or ?
12 The magnitude of excursion of the mirror was read aloud by a second observer ( watching the projected light ) to an assistant who wrote on the drum next to the appropriate signal .
13 " This Meeting consider themselves authorised to regulate the practice to be hereafter adopted in Smithies — and direct now that he who comes to the smithy first prepared for work shall have preference in finishing all his work of every kind before any other can pretend to interfere . "
14 This was what the bear-leader seemed to be asking of the passenger he now approached , the man who sat in the seat next to the doors .
15 It is a good opportunity to point out the differences between the two species , and we drift in until the seals get restless ; it is the grey who rolls into the water first .
16 Having saluted the Ambassadors , who stood in a circle next to the door leading from the Galerie de Diane to the Salle des Maréchaux , the Emperor and Empress entered the Ballroom and mounted the dais which was set aside for them .
17 First , Matthew 's secretary , the girl who works in the office next door , turned up for work as usual this morning ; she lives a few miles out and she knew nothing of what had happened . ’
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