Example sentences of "who [verb] [noun sg] [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Lyall , who piloted Town to the Second Division Championship in only his second season , said : ‘ Ipswich came to me out of the blue and brought me back into management .
2 Lilford ( 1989 ) sees the ability of the home authority to choose who receives treatment as a major benefit to be gained from the system , stating that ‘ some patients will still go without treatment , but commissioning agents will help patients with the greatest need or best prognosis .
3 Franjo Greguric , formerly the Deputy Prime Minister , was appointed Prime Minister of Croatia on July 18 in succession to Josip Manolic who became head of a new war cabinet in the republic .
4 He replaced Enrique Román Hernández who became head of the Cuban Institute of Radio and Television ( in place of Ismael González González ) .
5 He sees himself as the successor both to the Assyrian and Babylonian monarchies , conquerors of the Middle East , and to Saladin , who became leader of a vast Syro-Palestino-Egyptian Empire , and gained a prodigious reputation for avenging Islam when he recaptured Jerusalem from the Frankish crusaders in 1187 .
6 One of two new ministers of state , José Ignacio Moreno Leon , who became president of the Venezuelan Investment Fund , was also a COPEI politician ( and , like Calderón Bertí , a former Minister of Petrol ) .
7 This was the man who became President of the National Deaf Club in 1909 and held the position for over thirty years .
8 Easy going and charming , he made friends easily ; adventurous and audacious , his exploits brought both fame and notoriety during his lifetime ; intelligent but irresponsible , he made and squandered a fortune in a few years ; all in all , he was an eccentric who lived life to the full .
9 As though he was a man who lived life to the full , and basically did n't care overmuch for what anyone else thought about him .
10 The majority of men who develop gonorrhoea in the penile urethra will notice two main symptoms .
11 The cancellation followed the defection of a North Korean judo competitor , Lee Chang Soo , who sought asylum in an undisclosed South Korean embassy in Europe .
12 He never missed an opportunity to criticise the new ruck/maul laws and he had an absolute right to do so — because it is he who has found ways to minimise their dreadful effect , because he was never one of those coaches who sought refuge under the old laws , and because he is the finest coach in the world by results , demeanour and inspiration .
13 The region around Chimoio is swollen by 400,000 people who sought refuge from the civil war .
14 Those charged were Erich Honecker , the former East German leader who sought refuge in the Chilean embassy in Moscow in December 1991 [ see pp. 38687-88 ; 38782 ] ; Erich Mielke , former head of the Stasi — secret police ; Willi Stoph , former Prime Minister ; Heinz Kessler , former Defence Minister ; Fritz Streletz , Kessler 's deputy ; and Hans Albrecht , SED chief in the town of Suhl .
15 I found it preoccupied by a little company of artists , either professional or amateur , who made use of the rainy day by camping in the coach-house to sketch from its shelter a fine group of trees , with some good foreground rock and bracken , all within a stone-throw of the cottage .
16 I think what we actually want is more people who are more in tune with working people and their hopes , and their dreams and their aspirations , and tha in , in parliament , in the House of Commons than we 've got at the moment and so the motion I 'm putting forward which is to propose that we actually look at the Parliamentary Panel and make sure we get a few decent shop stewards in the House of Commons , a few people who got experience of actually being on the shop floor , a few people who got experience in the last fourteen years , that the last four Conservative governments have actually tried and defend and fight for the interests of working people right down the grass root , those are the people that we actually need in the House of Commons and we shall be looking at our Parliamentary Panel and we shall be looking at it very seriously to ensure that we get those sort of people onto that Parliamentary Panel and those sort of people into the House of Commons , that 's the best way to represent working people in Britain today and that 's the sort of contribution the G M B should be making .
17 The students from that time remembered a man with a sharp sense of the ridiculous ; who ragged them but was too shy to be intimate with them though they liked him much for his friendliness and his humour ; who was famous for long , sudden , and embarrassing silences ; who was so eccentric that none of them believed that he could later be a man of distinction in England or his Church ; a man who loved theology — they never met anywhere else a man who so loved theology , and who regarded theology as the highest intellectual activity for humanity ; a fierce defender of liberty of opinion , for Marxists as for anyone else ; whose principal theme was the glory of God , and who was evidently touched by his ideas of Plato ; who did not give the impression of a mind of exceptional ability — there was not enough knife in the mind — but who gave the impression of being an exceptional person ; who disturbed other people 's prayers in chapel with convulsive fidgets and sudden face-rubbings — they regarded him as tense in his devotions and were afraid of a nervous breakdown ; who had a manifest and rare mystical sense of the immediate presence of God , a presence so brilliant that it could almost overpower .
18 Everyone who has knowledge of the criminal justice system says that Woolf is where it is at , and that , if the Home Secretary implemented Woolf within a reasonable timetable and with reasonable resources , he would have done what was needed .
19 Anyone who has contact with the real world knows that sometimes the management might not have confidence in the work force and the work force might not have confidence in the management .
20 Rose , who has responsibility for the largest mortgage book in the South East of England , said she was delighted .
21 Eight days ago Belinda , who has cancer of the nervous system , handed in a hospital petition , with 29 other child cancer patients , to Premier John Major at 10 Downing Street .
22 The old woman sat silently gathering the strands : the young girl who had known the pain of longing ; the rich , beautiful and ambitious young woman who , despite two suitable marriages , continued to be pursued by longing ; and the older woman , who found happiness with a poor drunken sot from her father 's stables at Tjele .
23 Another great Therapy ? story revolves around a character called Eddie Faith , who found religion at a Christian meeting one night , and the next day walked into the local police station and confessed to 24 robberies he 'd committed in the previous year .
24 An actress who found fame in a commercial for Volkswagen cars has been banned from driving after being caught speeding twice in the space of thirteen minutes .
25 Under the 1980 Constitution as amended in November 1987 the executive President , who holds office for a six-year term and is eligible for re-election , is both head of state and head of government .
26 SPRINGFIELDS catering supervisor Brenda Cowell is a lady who loves life in the fast lane .
27 It is kin , often , who provide shelter during the first days in the town and who help the migrant build his/her own home .
28 Typically the term ‘ carer ’ is used to describe members of the informal sector who provide care for a dependent person in the community .
29 The great Croat writer , the late Miroslav Krleža , in his Ballade Petrice Kerempuha , written in the kajkavski dialect of the Zagreb region , was one of many who drew inspiration from the terrible events of 1573 .
30 The second day , and some of the third , belonged to Andrew Hudson , who drew strength from the eerie vacuum to become the first to score a century on Test debut for South Africa in 104 years .
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