Example sentences of "who [verb] [adv] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 But it was Wolf who succeeded best in the nineteenth century in bringing drama into natural history illustration .
2 And judges Sir John Harvey-Jones and foot writer Jocelyn Dimbleby with presenter Loyd Grossman have to choose the winner who goes through to the final ‘ cook-off ’ in July .
3 The winners of the best gross trophy then decide , either by mutual agreement or by a play-off , on the player who goes on to the national championships .
4 A friend of mine was driving on the M1 when he came up behind everybody 's un-favourite motorist , the one who sits resolutely in the middle land and refuses to move left , no matter how empty the inside lane .
5 Lorne and Lawrence Blair , who lived awhile with the forest-dwelling Punan Dyaks of Borneo , wanted to accompany the Dyaks on one of their hunting expeditions .
6 No records remain as to who lived here through the seventeenth century , when during the Civil War a bloody battle took place on the Manor 's doorstep .
7 ‘ In the eighteenth century the city was transformed into a resort for English high society — being particularly associated , of course , with the name of Beau Nash , the great dandy and gamester who lived here during the 1740s and 50s .
8 I slept in the suite named after the 13th Baron Willloughby who lived here in the 1770s .
9 Although until late in 1912 Picasso and Braque lived in Montmartre and had relatively little contact with the other Cubists who lived mostly on the Left Bank or in the suburbs , they did not live in isolation .
10 Responsibilities , I mean , it would have to be torn down and build up again it was in such a bad shape , it was really , I mean , terrible , it must of been , it was , it was man who lived in since the second world war , alright , so you get .
11 Only Aston Villa defender Ugo Ehiogu and Arsenal midfielder Ray Parlour , who limped off in the second half , emerged with any great credit .
12 According to unofficial reports , the arrangement was designed by the West German Foreign Minister , Hans Dietrich Genscher , the new Polish foreign minister , Krzystof Skubiszewski , and the Soviet Foreign Minister , Eduard Shevardnadze , who met recently at the United Nations in New York .
13 Indeed an even more striking feature of the results was that the individuals examined were especially high on a measure of ‘ ego strength ’ , indicating a greater than average resistance to mental breakdown : the finding is particularly interesting because the latter is usually very low in subjects who deviate markedly on the clinical scales of tests like the MMPI .
14 I was one of 15 who got through to the third stage which is a five day winter course .
15 shine On ridden with breathtaking confidence by the young apprentice Kelly Connor who got up in the last stride to — ’
16 The most forceful arguments for the period being one of economic growth are those put forward by Bridbury , who points rightly to the phenomenal increases paid by certain towns in taxation between 1334 and 1524 .
17 As a member of the Advanced Volunteer Foundation , Gail was one of 750 Canadians who helped out at the fourth annual International Amateur Athletic Foundation indoor track and field meeting .
18 Amanda Harris plays her as a termagant who steams about like the mad woman in the attic , her face set in a perpetual lockjawed scowl .
19 Kitson , Crick and Clarke were all talented individuals who disagreed strongly with the prevailing establishment views in their field .
20 Mick Rooney is an artist who stands aside from the current vogue of somewhat conservative , civilised English painting as exemplified by Ken Howard and Bernard Dunstan .
21 Junior Bent ( Bristol City , 12.06 ) , Efan Ekoku ( Bournemouth , 12.07 ) , Adrian Littlejohn ( Sheff Utd , 12.08 ) , Iffy Onuora ( Huddersfield 12.09 ) , Keith Curle ( Man City , 12.10 ) , Rod McDonald ( Walsall , 12.18 ) , Tony Witter ( QPR , 12.19 ) and John Goodman ( Millwall , 12.40 ) , and late replacements Vance Warner ( Nottm Forest ) and Michael Brown ( Bolton ) , who stands in for the injured Stuart Storer ( 12.17 ) .
22 It is a real moral aberration that leaves at liberty those who violated human dignity and those who rose up against the constitutional order . ’
23 But Adam ignored her , glancing round at Fand , who approached now with the other Women .
24 The eastern travels of Herodotus , who moved freely across the two thousand miles separating Babylon from Cyrene , were made possible by Persian indulgence and protection , in much the way that the evangelism of St Paul was facilitated by the Roman Peace .
25 It was Olavide , a radical esprit fort capable of jokes in bad taste about ‘ superstition ’ , and Aranda , the Aragonese aristocrat and correspondent of the philosophes , both zealous proponents of the latest advances from abroad , who put forward in the 1760 's radical reforms that remained unfulfilled in 1931 .
26 The 23-year-old Teessider , who dropped out of the British decathlon trial at Sheffield last weekend after eight events , has chosen not to chase the Barcelona qualifying score , 7,850 points , in Germany before the selection deadline , June 28 .
27 GOVERNOR Bill Clinton was beating Mr Jerry Brown in early polling in New York 's Democratic primary election yesterday , but Mr Paul Tsongas , who dropped out of the presidential race three weeks ago , was running a strong third .
28 We rose with several of our colleagues , who spilled out on the fifteenth floor to attend the nightly booze-up .
29 Eliot may not have in his poem Kipling 's Greek slave on a galley out of Egypt , but he does give us a slightly earlier seafarer who sailed out of the Middle East and whose story might be thought to be specially appropriate to those clerks who work in the city —
30 But again it was Conlon , the slightly wild-eyed Irish poet of the quartet , articulate , flamboyant — remember that extraordinary exit through the front door of the Old Bailey — who cut deep into the collective conscience .
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