Example sentences of "who [verb] [prep] [noun sg] in the " in BNC.

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1 Anyone who succeeded in business in the past decade owed more than a little to the climate she created .
2 I was not short of students who applied for help in the most distressing of circumstances : mature students with spouses and children , who had been denied housing benefit and income support to which they had previously been entitled ; landlords pressing for rent payments and students with no money to pay ; arrears of rent building up ; poll tax arrears building up ; overdrafts being extended ; electricity supplies being cut off , in some cases to parents and children .
3 Old soldiers remember fallen comrades Alan Hutchison meets a dwindling band of Scots who fought against fascism in the Spanish Civil War
4 The eldest brother was also called Tom , and his wife , who passed into spirit in the '50s , was named Lillian , ’ Tom said .
5 To those who read with scepticism in the Guidance notes on the Code of Professional Conduct that there may be occasions when the Association would act where the law might be in conflict with professional ethics this is encouraging .
6 Which include " That any servant who lives over year in the Country till harvest , And shall then remove to any other place out of the Island , And after harvest time returns again Shall upon his return be put in Stocks for four days & nights … "
7 When Sussex gentlemen and townsmen began to question the practices of the church , they found new allies in the Flemings and Frenchmen who fled for asylum in the 1540s from persecution by Catholic monarchs abroad .
8 One of the breed of Northern working class actors who rose to fame in the British cinema of the early Sixties , he has moved smoothly between film ( Annie , Shoot the Moon and Miller 's Crossing of late ) , both commercial and subsidised theatre , and even television ( in Kingsley Amis ' The Green Man ) .
9 Mr Delors 's reply , however , which begins to explain the mystery of the Vatican 's medieval levels of personal consumption , will do little to console those who worry about crookery in the Common Agricultural Policy .
10 Recruitment has started and the group would like to hear from any woman under 35 who suffered from anorexia in the past but has since recovered .
11 They sang hymns and said a prayer for the 31 people who died and those who suffered from radiation in the April 1986 accident .
12 One of the most remarkable members of the generation of physicists who came into prominence in the years following 1945 was Richard Feynman .
13 But for those who came of age in the dark years , the spectacle of national self-destruction remains the gauge of all that has followed .
14 The number of kings who came to grief in the fifth century is staggeringly high , and this must have had a deterrent effect on kings who contemplated taking initiatives .
15 In doing so they helped to create resentments against the Masai in the minds of those who came to power in the post-colonial state .
16 Libyan politics has been dominated for over two decades by Col. Moamer al Kadhafi who came to power in the military coup of 1969 [ see p. 23569 ] .
17 Further , since he is only one of a significant group of bishops who came from court in the early seventh century , if there was any general transfer of secular authority to bishops in this period , and the evidence is far from clear on this , the likelihood is that it was condoned by the king .
18 As the Lord President has successfully demolished the Opposition 's spurious arguments , will he get back to real questions of security and take time to pay tribute to all who look after security in the Palace of Westminster ?
19 Most people who negotiate for habitat in the countryside will bear witness that their hearts sink when an agent is involved .
20 A copy has been sent to each producer who claimed for SAP in the 1991 scheme year .
21 The senior men of science who gravitated towards politics in the 1960s are a remarkable generation .
22 On the one hand there is the position of the ‘ no meaning ’ theist , occupied by those who talk of faith in the way that Wesley talked of it .
23 But recession-hit traders who rely on tourism in the region say they 're only guardedly optimistic about an Easter boom .
24 He explains : ‘ He is a kind of Everyman , who rises to heroism in the face of adversity and whose insignificance makes him appealing . ’
25 Thus it may well be that the numerous nobles of Aquitaine who went on pilgrimage in the summer of 1179 did so as a penance imposed by the church .
26 You knew everyone who went to work in the early morning — the chappie who came round on his bike and rod to put out the gas lamps or to light them .
27 Doctors and other health workers , who went to work in the zones controlled by the FMLN during the civil war , learnt very effective forms of treatment from the peasants they worked with .
28 Well , they did during the Underground strikes , and I honestly did know a young brat-race type who went to work in the West End on a unicycle .
29 Official figures suggest that ACET provided care at home for up to one in four of all those who died of AIDS in the UK last year .
30 We are the largest independent provider of practical home care to people with HIV/AIDS in the U.K. From 7 regional offices we have provided practical care to over 1000 people in the lat 3 years and in the last 12 months we cared for at least 1 in 5 of those who died of AIDS in the U.K.
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