Example sentences of "who [verb] [prep] [art] [noun sg] the " in BNC.

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1 This is a great help and you may be able to find out if events intend to rotavate by asking around , or speaking to a competitor who rode at the competition the year before .
2 ‘ I felt like Coleridge 's Ancient Mariner , who waylays on the street the wedding guests going to the feast , inflicting on them the story of his misfortune . ’
3 Noel Gardens up there , that 's the gardens that the people who used to the run The Early Bird Garden .
4 It was a very nervous group , their fingers stained with nicotine , who assembled on the airfield the next day , but Stirling himself jumped first , followed by the rest of the detachment .
5 For students who proceed to the MEng the course is five years long .
6 I stated with authorial authority that only people who knew about the way the murder was committed ( a complicated affair using an invented tree-bark that became hard when wetted ) could have done it and I implied , but with fearful fair play nowhere explicitly stated , that this knowledge could only have been gained by one of a small circle who had watched the Maharajah play a certain practical joke .
7 Prean , who objects to the way the rankings are calculated , saw Douglas overcome the titleholder and England No.1 , Alan Cooke , in the semi-finals , and then beat the 10-times former national champion 21-19 , 19-21 , 21-10 with a forceful forehand attack .
8 The judge earned his nickname because he looks like Tyrone Power , who stared in the movie The Mark of Zorro .
9 We have taken steps to draw to the attention of all children who go into a home the fact that there is a telephone number , a contact point and a named officer separate from the home to whom they can complain if they feel the need .
10 The eradication of Judaism in the Auvergne attracted the interest not only of Gregory , but also of Venantius Fortunatus , who saw in the event the emergence of a unified Christian community .
11 The story of the Borders is largely one of cattle-rustling on a scale which would have amazed even the American Wild West , of internecine feuds as violent as those of Sicily , and of cliques of racketeers who brought into the language the term ‘ blackmail ’ , meaning ‘ black meal ’ or ‘ black rent ’ — in other words , protection money .
12 Ninety may be a good age but who knows for the horse the IRA could n't kill this could only be the start of the search for pastures new .
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