Example sentences of "who [verb] [verb] the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He approached the Broads Authority and the Countryside Commission , who agreed to fund the whole project , and the first showing was held in Norwich last year .
2 There will , however , always be those who tend to see the negative side and may well suggest you ‘ do n't lose weight too quickly or you 'll look old ’ or ‘ you 'll only put it back on twice as fast if you lose it quickly ’ .
3 Those who tend to see the eighteenth century as above all " the Age of Wesley " usually bring a good deal of retrospectivity to their view of the rise of Methodism over a period at the end of which Methodists were still not especially numerous in the nation as a whole .
4 Good meadow ha is ideal for sheep , who tend to waste the coarser fibres in ‘ see ’ hay .
5 That was music to the ears of Tory Euro-rebels who planned to back the Labour amendment .
6 Who planned to eat the whole world bit by bit ,
7 It was the latter 's son Joseph , now about 55 , who lived to see the whole enterprise brought to a halt by the hostilities .
8 These figures are for those researchers actually finishing their work and submitting a successful thesis , and they do not include those who failed to complete their research , or who failed to reach the required standard for the granting of the Ph D degree .
9 These figures are for those researchers actually finishing their work and submitting a successful thesis , and they do not include those who failed to complete their research , or who failed to reach the required standard for the granting of the Ph D degree .
10 Given that the minimum levels of pupil competence were set by each school district in cognisance of local circumstances , a question was raised concerning whether students who failed to reach the agreed standards could recover damages for their failure to learn , if they were able to demonstrate teacher negligence .
11 Directors who ought to have realized that insolvent liquidation was inevitable , but who failed to take the necessary step to minimize the potential loss to creditors .
12 Too many years ago to be worth mentioning , I had a boyfriend who failed to understand the religious nature of my viewing , any more than I understood his motivation in inviting me to view along side of him .
13 Muller , 21 , of Millbuie Farm , Skene , Aberdeenshire , who admitted contravening the 1809 Concealment of Birth ( Scotland ) Act , was placed on probation for a year .
14 Essentially the case involved a youth leader of the Red Cross , who admitted joining the Red Cross to bring him closer to young girls , whom he had been abusing for thirty years .
15 He also held public meetings to discuss the concept of past-life regression , at which he would play to anyone who cared to listen the taped recordings of his experimental sessions .
16 The rootedness of Labour 's new-found socialism in wartime democratic nationalism posed serious problems to those who sought to use the Labour party as a vehicle for pacifism .
17 Thus at times one of the Whig connections might work together with a Tory connection in the service of the administration , and they would be opposed by a combination of Whigs and Tories who were out of office and who sought to mobilise the independent back-benchers to put pressure on the government .
18 One of the most ambitious and colourful of diffusionist theories is undoubtedly that advanced by the English anatomist Eliot Smith ( 1871–1937 ) , a contemporary both of Malinowski and Radcliffe-Brown , who sought to explain the global distribution of mummification and other exotic practices .
19 Those fellow-travellers of communism who sought to dupe the American people into arms control at lower levels were not identified but implied .
20 On the uniformitarian side , in my glorious over-simplification , were the Whigs or Liberals who sought to dispute the absolute rule of a monarchy as the natural state of affairs and were in favour of majority rule .
21 He was the first of a new generation of writers who sought to repair the post-Conquest destruction of earlier pieties and observances by steady persistence in re-creating the past .
22 ‘ The effect of looking a bit deeper made more difference than anyone thought , ’ summarises Peter Frey , a psychologist at North-Western University who has written the basic text in the field , Chess Skill In Man and Machine ( Springer-Verlag 1977 ) .
23 The difference is that with Compact jobs , a young person who has achieved the Compact goals will be given priority over one who has not .
24 Every young person who has achieved the Compact goals will have an equal chance of securing a Compact job .
25 One writer , who has covered the Royal Family for 12 years , said : ‘ In 30 minutes of speeches and toasts , not once did they look at each other . ’
26 In an early draft of the play upon which he was working the elderly public man is compared to a silkworm who has chewed the bitter leaves of the mulberry all his life .
27 The bank is looking for someone canny — not to say extremely gifted — who has developed the right skills in a reasonably sized corporate environment within a few years of qualifying .
28 Another prominent member of the Conservative party in Parliament who has related the European issue to the economic problems Britain is facing is the former minister and current UK Chairman of Texas Instruments , John Butcher , Member for Coventry South-West .
29 The girl who has reached the human being in Raskolnikov the murderer is left for the last time by Svidrigailov ‘ bewildered and frightened , and filled with vague and oppressive suspicions ’ .
30 Susanna Rance meets a musician who has discovered the musical weight in traditional bamboo pipes .
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