Example sentences of "who [verb] [verb] the [noun] [det] " in BNC.

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1 The more experienced teacher who has used the program several times , on the other hand , will not want to go through lengthy explanations and interrogations by the program amid the pressures of the classroom .
2 ‘ I would like to thank all those who helped make the event such a success , everyone from the security people to the restaurant staff — who did a roaring trade .
3 Public NME says ta very much to the numerous volunteers from The Spastics Society who helped make the bash such a big success .
4 It 's all on the night is n't it you know , it 's all about the boys and who wants to win the match most tonight .
5 I am concerned and I have mentioned briefly to Mr erm something which was er said to me by a local resident who 've read the paper this morning that British Rail are gon na start using their car parks to hold er car boot sales .
6 Our National President , Steve Gauld , closed the Convention and we offered our thanks and gratitude to all those who had made the weekend such a success , to Tim Cain who kept all the sessions to time ; to the exhibitors who supported us so well ; to all the members and outside speakers who made presentations ; to the staff of Keele University who served us so well in all areas ; and to Joe Bennett who organised the whole thing , sorted out the speakers , took our bookings and generally made sure it all went well .
7 Many thanks were due to all the teachers and performers who had made the afternoon such a success .
8 He ran a finger along the lowermost surface of the wood , his fingertips brushing the marks that spelled out his name , and it echoed in his mind with the voice of his father , who had carved the instrument many years ago .
9 The playing of the BBC Symphony Orchestra under Peter Eötrös , who had given the work several times before this 1991 Prom performance , seems immensely confident and assured , all the complexities mastered ; and the recording quality is so good ( and the audience so quiet ) I would have taken it for a ‘ state-of-theart ’ studio job .
10 I had one from an 80-year-old woman who had carried the secret all her life ’ .
11 These words of wisdom remind me of a student who came to see me many years ago after the long vacation during which she had begun her undergraduate dissertation ( with another tutor who had left the university that summer , I must emphasize ) .
12 Trained volunteer subjects who have experienced the stimuli many times and therefore know that no harm will come to them , can give reliable measures of the strength of the stimulus in terms of the strength of their pain perception .
13 The new owner is local publican Richard Frank and his wife , Kathryn , who plan to operate the hotel all year round .
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